I have this code which is not working jQuery

if($("#dis(h3)").length == 0) $("#dis").append("<p>no display</p>");


<div id="dis">
//append here

The append code should work

<div id="dis">

The append code should not work.

Edit: I need the append code to appear if there is no other element inside #dis beside h3

What should i do to make it as above(intended)


1 Answer 1



if($("#dis > h3").siblings().length == 0) $("#dis > h3").append("<p>no display</p>");

See this fiddle

  • Not working. I need the append code to appear if there is no other element inside #dis beside h3 Thanks
    – cicakman
    Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 19:20
  • @cicakman. editted - tested on jsfiddle - workd for me. Any better Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 19:23

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