I need to retrieve init-param value from xml to Servlet i used following code


servlet code

public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

But It displayed null .. could any one help me to do that . thanks in advance

4 Answers 4


I can't see a single reason, why you have to override your init(ServletConfig sc) method, since you can always get your ServletConfig by calling your inherited getServletConfig() method.


If you have custom initialization work to do, override the no-arg init() method, and forget about init(ServletConfig). Is it ok to call getServletConfig() method inside the no-arg init() method? Yes, an instance of ServletConfig has already been saved by superclass GenericServlet.


It is always good to use packages for classes. It enables clear demarcation.


um... it should work. Are you calling the code in LoginServlet? And the


is not in any package?


First of all you have to specify <inin-param></init-param> in web.xml file:


And you have to specify code in servlet:

out.println("<h2>Init Parameters:</h2>");
Enumeration<String> initParams = getServletConfig().getInitParameterNames();
while (initParams.hasMoreElements()) 
    String paramName = initParams.nextElement();
    String paramValue = getServletConfig().getInitParameter(paramName);
    out.println(paramName + ": " + paramValue + "<br>");

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