class MyClass {

    public function __construct(){

    private function makeError(){
        return sp('ABC'); // sp is undefined function

    private function printMe(){
        echo "PRINT ME";

    public function run(){

        try {
            $t = $this->makeError();

        }catch(Exception $e){


$t = new MyClass();

If run above code, an error occur because sp() is not defined function.

But I'd like to ignore the error and run printMe method.

How should I do?



3 Answers 3


You could use function_exist()

class MyClass {

    public function __construct(){

    private function makeError(){
             throw new Exception();
             return sp('ABC'); // sp is undefined function

    private function printMe(){
        echo "PRINT ME";

    public function run(){

        try {
            $t = $this->makeError();

        }catch(Exception $e){


you can't catch the fact that it does'n exist because it's a fatal error


That's not possible. It's a fatal error, not an exception.
Therefore it cannot be catched.

In this very instance you can eschew causing the error however with:

if (function_exists("sp")) {
     return sp('ABC'); // sp is undefined function

Likewise you could wrap your $this->makeError(); call with that test. But that would mean handling another methods interna. And anyway, that would just avoid that super specific edge case.


As answered already, this is a fatal error: you can't use your own error handler, the best would be to test if the function is available with function_exists.

You may also be able to use somme buffering to do some tricks as explained in this SO anwser: set_error_handler Isn't Working How I Want It To Work

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