when i run the following netsh command :

netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid ={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} certhash=dafebdb65ec7544218bf9a1794c6424 0207f63b9.

using powershell or visual studio command prompt i get the following error:

The following command was not found: http add sslcert ipport= appid ={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} certhash=dafebdb65ec7544218bf9a1794c6424 0207f63b9.

I am currently configuring a WCF service to use SSL and have been following from the book 'windows communcation foundation 4 - step-by-step' by john sharp.

I have visual studio 2010 SP1 and using IIS Express. The only difference I could think of is that i am running Windows XP Professional instead of Windows 7

1 Answer 1


On Windows XP netsh will not work properly.Better use httpcfg. You will need to download "WindowsXP-KB838079-SupportTools-ENU.exe" from Microsoft Download Center or try from here. Change:

netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid ={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} certhash=dafebdb65ec7544218bf9a1794c6424 0207f63b9


httpcfg set ssl -i -h dafebdb65ec7544218bf9a1794c64240207f63b9

This will create the SSL. To check type

httpcfg query ssl 

in CMD.

Hope it helps.


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