After a long search I couldn't find a way to prevent screen capture (there is only drm for videos and not free).

So, Can we use gotpointercapture event because it has a pointerType property and its values could be "touch", "mouse" and "pen". Then if i get a "" this is a screen capture and not a click then i could take the right decision and restrict user account

And could you find an alternative?

Please help me, my brain is going to explode 🙂💔

  • It seems to not be possible. Ref1 Ref2. Let's say on a PC you block print using css media query, and using js you check for if "print screen" or "Win + LShift + S" pressed make screen black until refresh, then user can open a notepad, make it small and then take ss of your webpage since the focus is on notepad. Commented Jun 27 at 14:36
  • I'm sorry, but I don't have a PC to test it I'm using only kiwi browser on Android. I have seen all these refs, what about these solutions : body { opacity: 1; /* default opacity */ } body:not(:focus) { opacity: 0; /* hide the page when it loses focus */ } , and window.addEventListener('blur', function() { document.body.style.opacity = 0; });. I have test it with split mode on android and it works!
    – Mahmood
    Commented Jun 27 at 15:05
  • i suggest testing on a pc, or asking a trusted peer to do so. Commented Jun 27 at 15:22