So I am using the Telerik MVC controls for a solution that I am working on and I am specifically dealing with the Telerik "Menu" control item right now.

What I am trying to do is this: If the master page loads with a certain property set to a certain value, then I will display a menu item that is very important for users to see. I want this menu item to constantly blink with a red/orange background in the menu bar. The telerik menu items are are rendered as <li>'s.

I want to write some jQuery, using jQuery 1.6.4, so that I can have this blinking or flashing effect on the <li> that is important. How can I do this? Almost all of the things that I have tried (that supposedly worked for jQuery 1.2) are not working and are throwing errors when I try them. Is there an easy way to do this using 1.6.4?


  • 1
    Can you post what you've tried and what doesn't work? Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 17:53
  • From a user-experience and design perspective (rather than a pure code perspective) I would advise against blinking elements. There are other ways to get a user's attention for important information. And you'll save yourself having to write this code as well. ;-) Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 17:55
  • stackoverflow.com/questions/275931/… I have tried each of the ways described there...not working for me though...the best result I have gotten was just to change the background color to the alert color...and then it just stayed that color...and threw an error in the jQuery 1.6.4 scripts
    – Flinn
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 17:57
  • @GregPettit Maybe he's designing a Retro
    – bricker
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 17:59
  • @bricker Maybe. Didn't sound like it. But it's just advice to be taken under consideration or ignored as they see fit. ;-) Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 18:01

2 Answers 2



.blink_orange{ background-color: orange; }
.blink_red{ background-color: red; }


    setInterval(blinkLi, 200);    

function blinkLi(){
    $('ul .ClassToBlink').toggleClass('blink_orange blink_red');

Make sure to assign blink_orange or blink_red to the li when it's created.

  • Oh dear, it's COLOR: 22 all over again.
    – Chud37
    Commented Jul 29, 2013 at 11:29

You can use setInterval to repeat an action at a specified interval, and .css to change a CSS property:

var x = false;
setInterval(function() {
    $("li").css("background-color", x ? "#ff0000" : "#ffaa00");
    x = !x;
}, 500);

Here's a working example of the above. There may well be a better way of doing this (perhaps with jQuery's animate method with a callback), but that's what first popped into my mind.

  • This is very helpful and did work to make the <li> blink. Thank you! I am hoping to find a solution that is more 'visually appealing' by having the colors fade in and out...Any advice on how to get that sort of effect? I don't mind using the jQuery UI plugin if need be for the fading effects.
    – Flinn
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 18:03
  • Use fadeIn() and fadeOut() which are part of core jquery. api.jquery.com/fadeIn
    – Ryre
    Commented Aug 30, 2012 at 17:14

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