ERROR:Could not find the colcon-terminal-notifier.app in the install prefix '/usr/local

Operation OS: MacOS Monterey ROS2 Version:Foxy

When I use the command "colcon build",The terminal post the Error:

ERROR:colcon.colcon_notification.desktop_notification.terminal_notifier:Could not find the colcon-terminal-notifier.app in the install prefix '/usr/local'

Can you help me how can I solve this error? Thank you!

The colcon path is

colcon: /usr/local/bin/colcon

2 Answers 2


This is a bug with the colcon-notification library which has been reported in this pull request.

Until it is fixed in the library, you can work around this by manually making the change in your copy of the colcon_notification python library:

  • Find the site_packages directory used by your ROS2 installation, probably somewhere like /opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages.
  • Edit the file colcon_notification/desktop_notification/terminal_notifier.py.
  • Make the edits on line 100 as shown in the pull request:
-       'colcon_terminal_notifier.app'
+       'colcon-terminal-notifier.app'

As you can see, the fix is simply just changing the filename of the notifier app in the script from using underscores to dashes.


The Matt's answer shed light on my issue, but couldn't find the colcon_notification from the site-packages folder.

I was able to solve this issue by building the colcon source code manually and run 'colcon build' again in the installation folder.

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