I am trying to build a new IOS release and get the following error:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.After.targets(80,3): error : There was an error unzipping the file bin\iPhone\AppStore\AppBundle\MyApp.zip: Extracting Zip entry would have resulted in a file outside the specified destination directory."

The output line that generates this error is:-

"/usr/bin/zip -r /Users/fred/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/MyApp/ca830d1e9af62a1e18d114cf402fd82be9cb814135209657390ffb486f0d0ee4/bin/iPhone/AppStore/AppBundle/MyApp.zip ../MyApp.app" 

It appears that rather than going back to the parent directory and then zipping the "MyApp.app" directory, the process is creating a zip file with ".." as the root directory with "MyApp.app" as a sub directory, which explains the above error.

I can deploy a debug build to a device, but I cannot build an AppStore release or do an Archive process. My project previously built fine using Visual Studio 2019, but I had to upgrade to get a certificate fix that was only corrected in Visual Studio 2022.

Is there any known fixes for this issue?

I'm using:

  • Visual Studio v17.3.1
  • Xamarin v5.0.0.2515
  • Windows 11 machine

Compiling against;

  • macOS Monterey v12.5.1
  • Xcode v13.4.1
  • Try to remove the bin directory (in the project) and all the files on Mac in ~/library/caches/mtbs/builds/ and then rebuild it. Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 6:58
  • Thanks for the suggestion but it did not resolve the issue.
    – LinkSoft
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 23:35

3 Answers 3


Comment out or delete this 'Unzip' task

<!--Unzip App Bundle on Windows-->
<Unzip Condition="Exists('$(DeviceSpecificOutputPath)AppBundle\$(_AppBundleName).zip')" ZipFilePath="$(DeviceSpecificOutputPath)AppBundle\$(_AppBundleName).zip" ExtractionPath="$(DeviceSpecificOutputPath)AppBundle\$(_AppBundleName)$(AppBundleExtension)" /> 

in the file



Same issue here. Opened MS dev com "Xamarin iOS deployment no longer works".

I did find something that works for me. Select to Archive iOS build and wait for error. Select View Archive + failing iOS build, tap Distribute, cancel the creds challenge, tap Open Folder, and submit the ipa to Apple.


Thank you, fractal4, your suggestion helped me build successfully, but the same issue reared its head trying to archive for the app store. Xamarin is out of support now, but I needed to push a tiny fix while working on our MAUI platform when I ran into this very annoying problem. After pulling my hair out and trying everything I could think of, I finally just removed the iOS project, renamed the folder, made a new blank iOS project that built, then copied all the files back in, and re-added them to the project. It now builds and archives successfully. I hoped to compare the projects and point out what the actual problem is, but there is no major difference I can find related to any paths in the new versus old .csproj files. Perhaps it is something that gets staged? In any case, while I cannot provide specifics, unfortunately, if anyone is badly stuck with this issue, I had luck going that route. Make a blank iOS project, make sure it builds -- then re-add your content. Hopefully, you have the same results.

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