I need to convert a non-nextjs page to nextjs. In order to not lose my SEO ranking, I have to create the route with html extension. To make the picture look better, I am adding the folder structure down below.

enter image description here

Unfortunately, this route ending up as 404 on the browser.

enter image description here

What is the problem? Am I allowed to use Next.js routes like that with html extension?


2 Answers 2


You can do this via the pageExtensions option in nextJS -

I deployed a vercel app to show how this is working



  1. Add the pageExtensions to next.config.js files i.e
pageExtensions: ['html', 'jsx', 'js', 'tsx', 'ts'],
  1. Rename the file under pages directory to .html.js - search-results.html.js in this case.
  • 3
    Technically, you don't need to add html to pageExtensions. Simply having a file named search-results.html.js under the pages folder would work. Commented Jun 13, 2022 at 17:39
  • Not sure about js, it doesn't work with tsx files
    – Sisir
    Commented Dec 28, 2022 at 12:57

This naming convention search-result.html is not allowed for public sub-directories . There are some ways of showing html file in next but I'm not sure they will workcheck this

But you can easily copy everything inside your <body> tag inside your Next js project and it will work properly . How ever you have to manually add your <meta> and other head tags inside Next js built in <Head/> component .

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