I am receiving back from the server a JSON string like this one:


I save it into a variable stringand I am trying to convert it to a JSON object like this:

var json = JSON.parse(string);

after that I get the Object which looks great:

   ->Price: "140"
   ->Title: "Windows"
   ->Type: "out"
   ->URL: "http:www.domain.com/soft/"
   ->__proto__: Object

but when I try to acces it using for example json.Price I get undefined, any idea what I'm missing here?

  • Please post a small example that reproduces the problem. Chances are you simply have a typo or mis-assigned variable somewhere.
    – phihag
    Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 8:26

1 Answer 1


As you wrap your content with [] you get an array with one object. So this should work:


But you can also remove the brackets.


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