I am working on a new data structure that is version friendly. So I have a git repository inside a Zarr file. I don't have any push or upload data. just local version control.

currently, the git add . command is taking a lot of time. and git lfs is not the right solution to the problem because the data size replicates a lot. The question: How to disable compression for git add . then I can do it using git gc enter image description here

1 Answer 1


git config core.compression 0. Though I would recommend git config core.compression 1 instead. It will be very fast, and still give decent compression.

  • 2
    Thank you, problem solved. So I use 'git config core.compression 0' to speed up commit. Then, every while, I compress it with 'git gc'
    – mzouink
    Commented Apr 7, 2022 at 16:26

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