I need to get the first date of the current quarter as a java.util.Date object and the last date of the current quarter as a java.util.Date object.

I have found methods giving me quarter information, for instance


but this assumes that Quarter 1 starts from January.

Can someone help me to get the first and last dates assuming that
Q1 = Aug, Sep, Oct
Q2 = Nov, Dec, Jan
Q3 = Feb, Mar, Apr

  • Why are you using Date?
    – MC Emperor
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 10:09
  • At first there is an important difference between LocalDate and Date. You should use LocalDate because the old Date is seen as legacy code. For your first and last date requirement this could fit perfectly if you manually set your 4 quarter start points and add 3 month for the end date.
    – Tr1monster
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 10:21
  • okay even if i will use LocalDate is there a simple way to get this done. Any code snippet will be helpful
    – Rohit
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 10:44

1 Answer 1


Well, the first thing we do is writing a method which adjusts a given date into the start of a quarter. Below is an example which takes the current date and the month of the start of the 'year' (in your case August):

public static LocalDate toStartDateOfQuarter(LocalDate now, Month start) {
    int minusMonths = (start.getValue() + now.getMonthValue() - 1) % 3;
    return now.withDayOfMonth(1).minusMonths(minusMonths);

The we could use it like this:

Month startMonth = Month.AUGUST;
LocalDate now = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate startOfQuarter = toStartDateOfQuarter(now, startMonth);
LocalDate endOfQuarter = YearMonth.from(startOfQuarter).plusMonths(2).atEndOfMonth();

This is a different approach, but this abstracts away the implementation of the start-day-of-quarter or end-day-of-quarter implementations.

public class QuarterAdjusterFactory {

    private final Month startOfYear;

    public QuarterAdjusterFactory(Month startOfYear) {
        this.startOfYear = startOfYear;

    private int minusMonths(Temporal temporal) {
        return (startOfYear.getValue() + temporal.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR) - 1) % 3;

    public TemporalAdjuster startOfQuarter() {
        return temporal -> temporal
            .with(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)
            .minus(minusMonths(temporal), ChronoUnit.MONTHS);

    public TemporalAdjuster endOfQuarter() {
        return temporal -> YearMonth.from(temporal)
            .minus(minusMonths(temporal) - 2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS)

Use it with just this:

QuarterAdjusterFactory factory = new QuarterAdjusterFactory(Month.AUGUST);
LocalDate start = date.with(factory.startOfQuarter());
LocalDate end = date.with(factory.endOfQuarter());
  • But this doesn't work when quarter is of previous year. E.g today is 19th Jan 2022. 1st quarter is 01 Aug 2021 but this doesn't take care of that
    – Rohit
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 11:01
  • Sorry, haven't thought of that. I replaced the code with a simpler one.
    – MC Emperor
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 11:43

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