I'm try to decrease the font size of my code and the workbench menus. Doing it by File > Settings > Editor > Font only changes the font size in the code editor. Is there way to do this for the whole IDE?

3 Answers 3


There are 2 Font settings in Jetbrains.

  1. To set the global scale, Open Appearance & Behavior > Appearance, enable the checkbox Use custom font: and then increase the Size

  2. Editor > Font is only for the editor, so menus are not affected.


short cut may be you can us control button + keyboard wheel OR ctlr+ + or - button . That works in most case

  • 2
    I tried this but this only affects the code editor. Not the workbench.
    – llswdon
    Commented Nov 11, 2021 at 6:30
  • Have you tried ctlr+ + or - button? Commented Nov 11, 2021 at 6:33

If you're like me and you're looking to switch from using intelliJ on laptop and desktop monitors, you can save different profiles to change font-sizes so you can quickly swap between them (at least for the editor):

IntelliJ Editor Font Profiles

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