I figured out how to set Local Group Policy for my own local testing...via gpedit...

Local Computer Policy --> Administrative Templates --> Microsoft Edge

  1. Configure Internet Explorer Integration

Click Enabled

Under Options - select Internet Explorer mode

  1. Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List

Click Enabled

Under Options - enter file:////c:/my_sites/sites.xml

  1. This is from c:/my_sites/sites.xml

site url - "www.google.com"

compat-mode - default

open-in -IE11

site url - "internal001.here.com"

compat-mode - default

open-in - IE11

However, I've been trying all day and nothing seems to take. Edge just opens google and that internal001 site in Edge. Do you guys have any ideas what could be blocking or missing? Thank you.

  • When I enable "Send all intranet sites to Internet Explorer", that works. So it's something with the Enterprise Mode Site List. Whether I place sites.xml on the local c:/ somewhere or on //network, nothing takes.
    – Don Holmes
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 15:31
  • Could you please run edge://compat/iediagnostic in Edge and provide the screenshot of the result? How do you set your sites.xml file? My file is like this and it works. The value I enter in the group policy options is like this: file:///D:/testsite.xml. Besides, don't forget to run gpupdate /force in cmd to make the group policy work.
    – Yu Zhou
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 7:11
  • Hi. Here is a screenshot of edge://compat/iediagnostic... ibb.co/YDHyw7d. Is the file:////c:fec_api/sites.xml link supposed to be active? Clicking on it does nothing. Maybe a drive access thing? I cna't figure it out. I tried listing the site explicity in the Internet Properties - Intranet Zone but that does nothing.
    – Don Holmes
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 18:24
  • ibb.co/0sjNvrK ....sites.xml. Straight-forward.
    – Don Holmes
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 19:48
  • 1
    Your setting seems right. I try to edit my site.xml and update the group policy, but in Edge it still shows the sites in IE mode according to the old xml file. Then I clear Edge cache running edge://settings/clearBrowserData and try again, it works with the new xml file. I suggest that you can also try to clear Edge cache and run again to see if the IE mode can work.
    – Yu Zhou
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 8:35

1 Answer 1


I downloaded the Enterprise Site Manager v2 and created the XML through the tool and it works, for whatever reason. Before I copied and pasted into notepad and plugged in my sites. I am going to mess with this, maybe try the manual XML again with the info from v2, see if that takes. i am also going to run the clear cache as I need to add and remove sites while I test.

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