I have a table in postgres with three columns, one with a group, one with a date and the last with a value.

grp mydate value
A 2021-01-27 5
A 2021-01-23 10
A 2021-01-15 15
B 2021-01-26 7
B 2021-01-24 12
B 2021-01-15 17

I would like to create a view with a sequence of dates and the most recent value on table for each date according with group.

grp mydate value
A 2021-01-27 5
A 2021-01-26 10
A 2021-01-25 10
A 2021-01-24 10
A 2021-01-23 10
A 2021-01-22 15
A 2021-01-21 15
A 2021-01-20 15
A 2021-01-19 15
A 2021-01-18 15
A 2021-01-17 15
A 2021-01-16 15
A 2021-01-15 15
B 2021-01-27 7
B 2021-01-26 7
B 2021-01-25 12
B 2021-01-24 12
B 2021-01-23 17
B 2021-01-22 17
B 2021-01-21 17
B 2021-01-20 17
B 2021-01-19 17
B 2021-01-18 17
B 2021-01-17 17
B 2021-01-16 17
B 2021-01-15 17

SQL code to generate the table:

    grp char(1),
    mydate date,
    value integer);

('A', '2021-01-27', 5),
('A', '2021-01-23', 10),
('A', '2021-01-15', 15),
('B', '2021-01-26', 7),
('B', '2021-01-24', 12),
('B', '2021-01-15', 17)

I have so far managed to generate a visualization with the sequence of dates joined with the distinct groups, but I am failing to get the most recent value.

SELECT DISTINCT(foo.grp), (date_trunc('day'::text, dd.dd))::date AS mydate
   FROM foo, generate_series((( SELECT min(foo.mydate) AS min
           FROM foo))::timestamp without time zone, (now())::timestamp without time zone, '1 day'::interval) dd(dd)  
  • Does this answer your question? Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
    – Bergi
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 1:43
  • 1
    I guess, your expected output is wrong: In the B group you wanted to have the value "12" from day 24 down to day 16 if you would follow the pattern used in the rest.
    – S-Man
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 7:23
  • @S-Man it was wrong for group A. Made the corrections, thanks. Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 10:42
  • @Bergi this question is a bit different, because it is seaching for a global first or last. I am searching for the last register before determinate date. I tried to use some os these solutions, but with no sucess. Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 10:45
  • 1
    Changed the answer to fit the new requirement.
    – S-Man
    Commented Jan 29, 2021 at 10:52

1 Answer 1


step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle

    gs::date as mydate,
        COALESCE(                                                             -- 2
             lead(mydate) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY mydate) - 1,        -- 1 
        ) as prev_date
    FROM foo
) s,
    generate_series(mydate, prev_date, interval '-1 day') as gs               -- 3
ORDER BY grp, mydate DESC                                                     -- 4
  1. lead() window function shifts the next value of an ordered group (= partition) into the current one. The group is already defined, the order is the date. This can be used to create the required date range. Since you don't want to have the last date twice (as end of the first range and beginning of the next one) the end date stops - 1 (one day before the next group starts)
  2. This is for the very last records of the groups: They don't have a following record, so lead() yield NULL. To avoid this, COALESCE() sets them to the current record.
  3. Now, you can create a date range with the current and the next date value using generate_series().
  4. Finally you can generate the required order
  • Worked fine! The only change I had to made was using "NOW()" as second argument of COALESCE function, because I don't wanted the list to stop in the date of last register, but on today date. Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 10:02

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