I have an object what I use only in one scene, so I do not want to make it prefab. This object has network identity, and a script which is increasing a syncvar integer in the update method. When the game starts this object got disable because the server is not running. When I start hosting the server this object got enabled. Everything fine is this point but when a client is joining this object is still disabled in the client and not synchronized.

If I am right it is because the objects are not connected to each other. how and I solve it without making this object a prefab and just spawn it?

How can I spawn objects without a player prefab with authority on the server (it would be a singleton service object)?

1 Answer 1


NetworkIdentities have to be spawned. If it is already in your scene you can enforce it to be spawned by using



Also you can spawn any prefab you defined in the NetworkManager. Look for the Registered Spawnable Prefabs Array. To spawn a registered prefab you can use



For example spawn a registered prefab on the server using a Command:

public void CmdSpawnGameObject()
   var spawnObject = Instantiate(prefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
   NetworkServer.Spawn(spawnObject, connectionToClient);  

How can I spawn objects without a player prefab with authority on the server (it would be a singleton service object)?

You can't. You have to have a playerPrefab spawned and you have to have authority. But you can also hand over authority using


Authority with Mirror

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