I have two excel sheets: One have basic set of data as shown below. It have only three rows of data.

enter image description here

Now, my second sheet have 7 rows of data as shown below, but first column is empty.

enter image description here

Now, I want to update the first column of my second sheet using reference data of first sheet as shown below. I searched and used concatenation function but it is not working.

To make it simple, we can assume that both of the data sets are available on single sheet but under different columns. Wondering how to update the first column value? enter image description here

Edit: Complete set of data with column name: enter image description here

  • 1
    This is a simple =VLOOKUP() formula. But you didn't show the sheet names or the column/row names, so it's hard to give a better suggestion or answer.
    – James L.
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 22:56
  • Thanks: I added another sheet. Column 'C' and 'D' have reference data. And i want column 'E' needs to be updated.
    – Ammad
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 23:02

1 Answer 1


If the first sheet is Sheet1 and your second sheet is Sheet2, and all of our data is in columns A and B on the two sheets, then you can use a formula like this in Sheet2 (adjust B1 to match the row you enter the formula into):

          | \--------/ |   \------- find an exact match
          |      |     \----------- return the value from the 2nd column of the array
          |      \----------------- find the value in the first column of this array
          \------------------------ value to find

This takes the value aajain in cell B1 on Sheet2 and find the value in the first column (A) on Sheet1, and returns the second column (2) value. Using False in the formula tells it to use an exact match instead of an approximate match.


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