I have a folder Structure like this :

   SubFolder 1
    SubFolder 2

So the above is my folder structure. I have to create a zipFile to the "MainFolder" with password and zipFile should contain all the files and folders as i have shown above. I was able to create zipFile without password but the requirement is zipFile with password. So how can i Achieve this. pls help

2 Answers 2


According to the documentation, the python zip library only uses password for extracting zip file (and not for creating them):

pwd is the password used to decrypt encrypted ZIP files.

There are some other packages that claim to allow that. Here's a piece of code that zips all the files in a folder named 'main':

from pathlib import Path
import pyminizip

# replace 'main' is your main folder. 
files = [f for f in Path("main").rglob("*") if f.is_file()]

paths = [str(f.parent) for f in files]
file_names = [str(f) for f in files]

# 123456 is the password. 3 is the compression level. 
pyminizip.compress_multiple(file_names, paths, "my.zip", "123456", 3)

The alternative solution would be to call the zip utility as a separate process using system, or preferably Popen.

  • I used pyminizip for creating zipfile but it takes only source file ex: .txt but in my case its whole directory. So i got stuck here. Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 20:25
  • Thank u for the answer. Actually i used pyminizip package to do zip with password. Created a zipfile using "shutil" then used "pyminizip" for the rest. Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 21:17

You can look in some packages as pyzipper. According to documentation, this is

Modification of Python’s zipfile to read and write AES encrypted zip files.


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