I am trying to download a docker image called anchor-engine found at the following link: https://hub.docker.com/r/anchore/anchore-engine/
For ease, I will post a copy of the code used to create the image and get it running as they have specified.
Here is a link to the image, I tried posting the image, but it requires reputation 10.

The issue I am having is specifically on this line of the download: docker cp ae:/docker-compose.yaml ~/aevolume/docker-compose.yaml

I get the following error message from my terminal: Error: No such container:path: ae:/docker-compose.yaml

My question is how do I fix this?
I am not good at $PATH. After echoing $PATH with echo "$PATH", I just see a very messy blob of path and I do not really know how to create the necessary container in the directory specified, which was the first line mkdir ~/aevolume.
The thing is it specifically requires a container and when I type ls, it gives a blank response.
Please help and thanks.

The lines I have been able to run are:
mkdir ~/aevolume
cd ~/aevolume
docker pull docker.io/anchore/anchore-engine:latest
docker create --name ae docker.io/anchore/anchore-engine:latest

but when I try running
docker cp ae:/docker-compose.yaml ~/aevolume/docker-compose.yaml

As I have done in this following line: aevolume admin$ docker cp ae:/docker-compose.yaml ~/aevolume/docker-compose.yaml

I get this response: Error: No such container:path: ae:/docker-compose.yaml

  • Please include the actual commands you ran as text in the question itself, not as an image. (I can't run that screen shot to reproduce the issue.)
    – David Maze
    Commented May 8, 2020 at 23:50
  • Did the docker pull & docker create work as expected? Or did you not run it? The ae container will be created by docker create, so seems some steps were missed or failed. Commented May 9, 2020 at 6:58
  • Thanks I updated the post with the lines I ran as per your suggestion. Hope it helps to figure out how to fix this problem.
    – papasmurf1
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 21:59

3 Answers 3


It seems like there's an issue with the latest version of the Anchore image that was updated 14 days ago. I've been experiencing the same issue. I went ahead and used version 0.7.0 for the commands and it worked fine:

mkdir ~/aevolume
cd ~/aevolume

docker pull anchore/anchore-engine:v0.7.0
docker create --name ae anchore/anchore-engine:v0.7.0
docker cp ae:/docker-compose.yaml ~/aevolume/docker-compose.yaml

Hopefully this helps, I was stuck on it for a bit haha.


@Sandeep Kumar There is a correction in the last command.

docker cp ae:/docker-compose.yaml ~/aevolume/docker-compose.yaml

If you are unable to get docker-compose.yaml for anchore, try this:

curl https://docs.anchore.com/current/docs/engine/quickstart/docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml

Here is the reference: https://docs.anchore.com/current/docs/engine/quickstart/

It worked well for myself after I ran into the same issue as described above.

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