I can't find any emmet for

<script type="text/javascript"> 

is this omitted by emmet ? I can't find on google either.

  • 2
    Did you try script[type=text/javascript]?
    – Dekel
    Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 0:28
  • 1
    Maybe because text/javascript is obsolete and application/javascript is already the default value so it is not needed.
    – awran5
    Commented Apr 9, 2020 at 0:47
  • @awran5 oh really didn't know that thanks.
    – user310291
    Commented Apr 13, 2020 at 18:36

1 Answer 1


probably because of this from MDN:

Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type: This indicates the script is JavaScript. The HTML5 specification urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provide a redundant MIME type.


If you really want it you could make an emmet snippet ala

"script:type": "<script type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"

For the details on how to do that, see Link+tab shortcut Emmet on VSCode - How can I get the "type" to be included in this?

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