For all requests in App Insights the property client_Browser is empty for some reason. How can I make App insights populate client_Browser column?

1 Answer 1


This feature(client_os, client_browser are populated in app insights) has been deprecated for a long time, see the issue here.

As of now, client_Browser is only populated in the pageViews telemetry, but not in request telemetry.

Here is the screenshot of pageViews telemetry:

enter image description here

If you just want to query the requests based on which browser, you can simply join pageViews table and requests table via session_Id in the Application Insights logs.

Also, here is the request feature about this, please upvote it.

  • I don't have any pageViews as I don't track client-side, hoped that server side would work. Thanks for letting know.
    – Yoda
    Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 7:59
  • The third thing I had to wonder about - why it stopped working?...
    – Mabakay
    Commented Mar 19, 2021 at 12:21

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