readlink -f does not exist on MacOS. The only working solution for Mac OS I managed to find on the net goes like this:

if [[ $(echo $0 | awk '/^\//') == $0 ]]; then
    ABSPATH=$(dirname $0)
    ABSPATH=$PWD/$(dirname $0)

Can anyone suggest anything more elegant to this seemingly trivial task?

  • 1
    See also the closely related question: stackoverflow.com/questions/1055671/…
    – jhclark
    Commented Nov 21, 2011 at 19:41
  • As of macOS Big Sur (2021), realpath command does this and is available via the coreutils Homebrew formula: "brew install coreutils"
    – Dalmazio
    Commented Mar 18, 2021 at 21:50

11 Answers 11


Another (also rather ugly) option:

ABSPATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P)

From pwd man page,

-P      Display the physical current working directory (all symbolic links resolved).
  • 4
    +1, but perhaps ABSPATH=$( cd $(dirname $0); pwd)/$(basename $0) Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 18:59
  • 1
    @William Pursell: yes, if you want the path of the script; my understanding (from the example code in the question) was that the question was about the path of its directory. Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 19:30
  • 3
    Good solution that comes with caveats: (a) for a symlinked script, the symlink's directory is returned (which may not be a problem); (b) $0 doesn't reflect the script path if the script is being sourced; to fix that, use (Bash-specific) $BASH_SOURCE instead; (c) with (unusual) paths that start with -, the command will break (easily fixed by using -- as the 1st argument for both the cd and the dirname command); finally, it's better not to use all-uppercase shell-variable names in order to avoid conflicts with environment variables and special shell variables.
    – mklement0
    Commented Aug 4, 2016 at 1:31
  • 1
    Ugly as it it, it is still the simplest way to get the desired result in a portable way IMO. With the above corrections, this should be (for Bash) abspath="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"; pwd)/$(basename -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")".
    – n.caillou
    Commented Nov 20, 2017 at 21:54
  • 1
    Also, you want to use pwd -P to resolve all possible link paths on dirname.
    – Izana
    Commented Feb 4, 2020 at 19:30

Get absolute path of shell script

Dug out some old scripts from my .bashrc, and updated the syntax a bit, added a test suite.


  • source ./script (When called by the . dot operator)
  • Absolute path /path/to/script
  • Relative path like ./script
  • /path/dir1/../dir2/dir3/../script
  • When called from symlink
  • When symlink is nested eg) foo->dir1/dir2/bar bar->./../doe doe->script
  • When caller changes the scripts name

It has been tested and used in real projects with success, however there may be corner cases I am not aware of.
If you were able to find such a situation, please let me know.
(For one, I know that this does not run on the sh shell)


pushd . > /dev/null
  while([ -h "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]) do 
    cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`"
    SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink "`basename "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`")"; 
cd "`dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}"`" > /dev/null
popd  > /dev/null
echo "srcipt=[${SCRIPT_PATH}]"
echo "pwd   =[`pwd`]"

Known issuse

Script must be on disk somewhere, let it be over a network. If you try to run this script from a PIPE it will not work

wget -o /dev/null -O - http://host.domain/dir/script.sh |bash

Technically speaking, it is undefined.
Practically speaking, there is no sane way to detect this.

Test case used

And the current test case that check that it works.

# setup test enviroment
mkdir -p dir1/dir2
mkdir -p dir3/dir4
ln -s ./dir1/dir2/foo bar
ln -s ./../../dir3/dir4/test.sh dir1/dir2/foo
ln -s ./dir1/dir2/foo2 bar2
ln -s ./../../dir3/dir4/doe dir1/dir2/foo2
cp test.sh ./dir1/dir2/
cp test.sh ./dir3/dir4/
cp test.sh ./dir3/dir4/doe
echo "--- 01"
echo "base  =[${P}]" && ./test.sh
echo "--- 02"
echo "base  =[${P}]" && `pwd`/test.sh
echo "--- 03"
echo "base  =[${P}]" && ./dir1/dir2/../../test.sh
echo "--- 04"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && ./bar
echo "--- 05"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && ./bar2
echo "--- 06"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/bar
echo "--- 07"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/bar2
echo "--- 08"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir1/dir2]" && `pwd`/dir3/dir4/../../dir1/dir2/test.sh
echo "--- 09"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir1/dir2]" && ./dir1/dir2/test.sh
echo "--- 10"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && ./dir3/dir4/doe
echo "--- 11"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && ./dir3/dir4/test.sh
echo "--- 12"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/dir3/dir4/doe
echo "--- 13"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/dir3/dir4/test.sh
echo "--- 14"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/dir1/dir2/../../dir3/dir4/doe
echo "--- 15"
echo "base  =[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && `pwd`/dir1/dir2/../../dir3/dir4/test.sh
echo "--- 16"
echo "base s=[${P}]" && source test.sh
echo "--- 17"
echo "base s=[${P}]" && source `pwd`/test.sh
echo "--- 18"
echo "base s=[${P}/dir1/dir2]" && source ./dir1/dir2/test.sh
echo "--- 19"
echo "base s=[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && source ./dir1/dir2/../../dir3/dir4/test.sh
echo "--- 20"
echo "base s=[${P}/dir3/dir4]" && source `pwd`/dir1/dir2/../../dir3/dir4/test.sh
echo "--- 21"
pushd . >/dev/null
cd ..
echo "base x=[${P}/dir3/dir4]"
./`basename "${P}"`/bar
popd  >/dev/null

PurpleFox aka GreenFox

  • Very comprehensive answer.
    – Samveen
    Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 9:13
  • Well done; one corner case: directories whose name starts with - break the script, which you can easily remedy by using -- as the 1st argument in the various calls. As for not being able to detect when a script is being passed via stdin, such as through a pipeline: AFAIK, that is the only case in which $BASH_SOURCE is empty. Find what I believe to be a slightly more robust implementation that is also POSIX-compliant answer (of mine) here.
    – mklement0
    Commented Aug 4, 2016 at 2:07

Using bash I suggest this approach. You first cd to the directory, then you take the current directory using pwd. After that you must return to the old directory to ensure your script does not create side effects to an other script calling it.

cd "$(dirname -- "$0")"
echo "$dir"
cd - > /dev/null

This solution is safe with complex path. You will never have troubles with spaces or special charaters if you put the quotes.

Note: the /dev/null is require or "cd -" print the path its return to.

  • Instead of cd for this particular case, you could use pushd and popd pair.
    – Cromax
    Commented Nov 15, 2020 at 11:07

Also note that homebrew's (http://brew.sh) coreutils package includes realpath (link created in/opt/local/bin).

$ realpath bin

If you don't mind using perl:

ABSPATH=$(perl -MCwd=realpath -e "print realpath '$0'")
  • 8
    Thank god you didn't use Java for this :) Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 18:02

Can you try something like this inside your script?

echo $(pwd)/"$0"

In my machine it shows:


which is the absolute path name of the shell script.

  • 2
    It might work, but try to call this from another directory using relative path Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 18:09

I've found this to be useful for symlinks / dynamic links - works with GNU readlink only though (because of the -f flag):

# detect if GNU readlink is available on OS X
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then
  which greadlink > /dev/null || {
    printf 'GNU readlink not found\n'
    exit 1
  alias readlink="greadlink"

# create a $dirname variable that contains the file dir
dirname=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")

# use $dirname to find a relative file
cat "$dirname"/foo/bar.txt

this is what I use, may need a tweak here or there

abspath () 
    case "${1}" in 
            local ABSPATH="$(cd ${1%/*}; pwd)/${1##*/}"
            echo "${ABSPATH/\/\///}"
            echo "${PWD}/${1}"

This is for any file - and of curse you can just invoke it as abspath ${0}

The first case deals with relative paths by cd-ing to the path and letting pwd figure it out

The second case is for dealing with a local file (where the ${1##/} would not have worked)

This does NOT attempt to undo symlinks!

  • Thanks! Do you know if this is any portable? I mean across sh/bash versions? Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 18:05
  • @Ivan I do not know, the concept portable but you may need to tweak details. I typically use it on bash under OSX & Linux
    – nhed
    Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 18:20
  • It would be great if anyone voting down would also leave a note why they think the answer is not productive
    – nhed
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 17:36

This works as long as it's not a symlink, and is perhaps marginally less ugly:

ABSPATH=$(dirname $(pwd -P $0)/${0#\.\/})

If you're using ksh, the ${.sh.file} parameter is set to the absolute pathname of the script. To get the parent directory of the script: ${.sh.file%/*}


I use the function below to emulate "readlink -f" for scripts that have to run on both linux and Mac OS X.

# This was re-worked on 2018-10-26 after der@build correctly
# observed that the previous version did not work.

# Works on both linux and Mac OS X.
# The "pwd -P" re-interprets all symlinks.
function read-link() {
    local path=$1
    if [ -d $path ] ; then
        local abspath=$(cd $path; pwd -P)
        local prefix=$(cd $(dirname -- $path) ; pwd -P)
        local suffix=$(basename $path)
        local abspath="$prefix/$suffix"
    if [ -e $abspath ] ; then
        echo $abspath
        echo 'error: does not exist'

# Example usage.
while (( $# )) ; do
    printf '%-24s - ' "$1"
    read-link $1

This is the output for some common Mac OS X targets:

$ ./example.sh /usr/bin/which /bin/which /etc/racoon ~/Downloads
/usr/bin/which           - /usr/bin/which
/bin/which               - error: does not exist
/etc/racoon              - /private/etc/racoon
/Users/jlinoff/Downloads - /Users/jlinoff/Downloads

The is the output for some linux targets.

$ ./example.sh /usr/bin/which /bin/whichx /etc/init.d ~/Downloads
/usr/bin/which           - /usr/bin/which
/bin/whichx              - error: does not exist
/etc/init.d              - /etc/init.d
/home/jlinoff/Downloads  - /home/jlinoff/Downloads
  • What is the problem? I just ran it and got reasonable results for several tests on Mac OSX. I may not be testing the right thing. I also tried it on ubuntu.
    – Joe Linoff
    Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 21:15
  • der@build:~$ read-link /usr/bin/which /usr/bin/which der@build:~$ readlink /usr/bin/which /bin/which Commented Oct 23, 2018 at 7:35
  • You were correct, the original version did not work. Thank you for taking the time to point that out. I have updated to correct the original problem (i forgot to add the -P option to pwd).
    – Joe Linoff
    Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 15:02

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