A few months ago Microsoft announced a new open source terminal they are working on:

As you can see in the Trailer of the video you can access an Ubuntu/Debian etc bash terminal from the Windows terminal.

My question is how do you access this? Do you have to enable the Linux sub-system for Windows and then download the distro form the Windows store? If so something I'd also like to ask is what are the downsides of enabling such a thing? Does it close down your boot time? Does it risk borking your computer etc?

3 Answers 3


It will be the windows subsystem for linux WSL. I use it very often. You need windows 10 >= 1709 (winver). Acitvate the wsl windows feature, download a linux version from the store and run the bash command. I don't have any problems yet.


If you install versions of WSL they appear in your Start menu and you can click the icon to open a Bash console directly, without installing the New Windows Console, and also without opening a cmd.exe console window and typing "bash" or "wsl". If you install New Windows Terminal, you can open, from a menu, a console tab for Powershell and cmd.exe, as well as any WSL versions you have.


Ubuntu 20.04 terminal exe is usually instled on:


As a regular Ubuntu terminal, that has their own "subsystem" but you can also access to other Windows path.

Has their own user and their own configuration on .bashrc

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