I can create a web site in IIS using e.g. the following command:

appcmd add site

But how can I also select an SSL certificate?

I'd like the highlighted dropdown shown below to already have the correct SSL certificate selected, and I'd like to do it from the command-line, preferably as part of the add site command. if there's an additional command I can run, that's fine too, but I want to not have to go into the IIS Manager application and select the SSL certificate manually.


1 Answer 1


Was able to do figure it out. Seems one needs to use a different command:

netsh http add sslcert
  certhash=<hash/fingerprint of certificate>

What really confused me here, was the appid, as the app id for my site was 1, but here there's a guid, and I couldn't figure out where to find the guid of my web site. Turns out, this guid, is apparently one you just make up yourself...

  • No, you are not supposed to make up an appid. Different apps (IIS Express/IIS) use their own ID so you should use your own as well if that’s your goal.
    – Lex Li
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 13:22
  • @LexLi What do you mean? What is "my goal" here? And what's "my own", where do I find that?
    – Svish
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 7:44

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