I have search and found multiple question about it but every time when I try these responses I always download only one file or an alias.

I try a code to make download file (.h264 and .json), it seems work for some people:
- Download multiple files with a single action
- How can I let a user download multiple files when a button is clicked?

My last try is that:

function(uri, data, name) {
    let link = document.createElement("a");
    link.download = name;
    link.href = 'data:'+data+';charset=utf-8;base64,'+uri;
    link.target = "blank_";

uri is the data of my file get before with axios. data is the mime type.

This function is used here:

ListPath.forEach(path => {
    axios.all([axios.get(path+".h264"), axios.get(path+".json")]).then((data) => {
        console.log(data[0], data[1]);
        Utils.downloadFile(data[0].data, 'video/H264', "movie.h264");
        Utils.downloadFile(data[1].data, 'application/JSON', "data.json");
      }).catch(error => console.log(error))

And when I click to download one thing (one h264 and his json associated) it try to download only json and failed ("Network error") and redirect to about:blank. If I put in comment the json line it download nothing but redirect too.

I have also tried the method with window.open(), so code like this:

ListPath.forEach(path => {
    window.open(path+".h264", '_blank');
    window.open(path+".json", '_blank');

Here the h264 video is download, but it only give an alias of the real link (Like if we download our file on http://mywebsite.com/data.json and in the file it give one line with http://mywebsite.com/data.json) and for the json it was only display on other tab.

I'm using chrome under macOS for testing.

I've also try the js-download-file npm module but is the same issue than before.

  • 1
    Interesting, have you tried setTimeOut approach. Just curious. Make this function generic and independent enough and then see if you can fire it multiple times independently.
    – windmaomao
    Commented Dec 17, 2018 at 14:20
  • Yes I just tried it there is 2min, it works for my .h264 file but for json it's another way to get it. I just read that Chrome block multiple request. When you realise that was just simple.
    – Tryliom
    Commented Dec 17, 2018 at 14:26
  • You can make a function handleDownload and run this code multiple time, I have used it to download a pdf and excel file on single button click stackoverflow.com/a/54626214/9715289 Commented Feb 24, 2023 at 4:58


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