Is there an easy way to replace a substring within a pathlib.Path object in Python? The pathlib module is nicer in many ways than storing a path as a str and using os.path, glob.glob etc, which are built in to pathlib. But I often use files that follow a pattern, and often replace substrings in a path to access other files:


Previously I could do:

img_file_path = "data/demo_img.png"
proc_img_file_path = img_file_path.replace("_img.png", "_img_proc.png")
data_file_path = img_file_path.replace("_img.png", "_spreadsheet.csv")

pathlib can replace the file extension with the with_suffix() method, but only accepts extensions as valid suffixes. The workarounds are:

import pathlib
import os

img_file_path = pathlib.Path("data/demo_img.png")
proc_img_file_path = pathlib.Path(str(img_file_path).replace("_img.png", "_img_proc.png"))
# os.fspath() is available in Python 3.6+ and is apparently safer than str()
data_file_path = pathlib.Path(os.fspath(img_file_path).replace("_img.png", "_img_proc.png"))

Converting to a string to do the replacement and reconverting to a Path object seems laborious. Assume that I never have a copy of the string form of img_file_path, and have to convert the type as needed.

  • 4
    Whatever you do, beware of using Path.replace as as attempted substitute - not the same thing, and can clobber existing data on filesystem!
    – wim
    Commented Nov 20, 2018 at 19:05
  • 1
    That's right. I luckily read the documentation before trying. replace() will rename the current file to the target, and replace it if the file already exists.
    – Hector
    Commented Nov 20, 2018 at 20:31

4 Answers 4


You are correct. To replace old with new in Path p, you need:

p = Path(str(p).replace(old, new))


We turn Path p into str so we get this str method:

Help on method_descriptor:

replace(self, old, new, count=-1, /)

Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.

Otherwise we'd get this Path method:

Help on function replace in module pathlib:

replace(self, target)

Rename this path to the given path, clobbering the existing destination if it exists, and return a new Path instance pointing to the given path.

  • Nice answer. Although I don't think you need to cast to a str, so that may be unnecessary. Commented Dec 2, 2020 at 8:38
  • 12
    Yes, it is necessary to cast to str. Otherwise it will call pathlib.Path's replace method which does not do the same thing.
    – rayryeng
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 14:31
  • Just a small complementation: Alternatively to str(p), pathlib’s p.as_posix() can also be used.
    – mouwsy
    Commented Feb 17, 2023 at 10:06

use PurePath.with_name() or PurePath.with_stem()


I have recently faced a similar problem and found this thread when searching for a solution. In contrast to the accepted answer I did not convert the pathlib.Path object into a string. Instead, I used its parent and name attributes (name is a string itself), along with the joinpath() method. Here is the code:

In [2]: from pathlib import Path

In [3]: img_file_path = Path('data/demo_img.png')

In [4]: parent, name = img_file_path.parent, img_file_path.name

In [5]: proc_fn = name.replace('_img.png', '_img_proc.png')
   ...: data_fn = name.replace('_img.png', '_spreadsheet.csv')

In [6]: proc_img_file_path = Path(parent).joinpath(proc_fn)
   ...: data_img_file_path = Path(parent).joinpath(data_fn)

In [7]: proc_img_file_path
Out[7]: WindowsPath('data/demo_img_proc.png')

In [8]: data_img_file_path
Out[8]: WindowsPath('data/demo_spreadsheet.csv')

An advantage of this approach is that it avoids the risk of making unwanted replacements in the parent bit.

  • True. It's often enough I will favor re.sub(r'\.png$', '.csv', fname) over .replace(), for safety's sake. On this question I stuck with OP's use of .replace().
    – J_H
    Commented Nov 1, 2021 at 17:50

Expanding on ibykovsky's answer, the .with_name() and .with_stem() methods are a clean way of solving this in 3.9+. In common with Tonechas' answer, this avoids any risk of inadvertently changing the parent part.

For the example in the question, we can write:

import pathlib

p = pathlib.Path("data/demo_img.png")
# Simple case of appending extra text to the Path.stem does not need to use str.replace()
p_proc = p.with_stem(p.stem + "_proc")
# More complex case uses str.replace() on the Path.name
p_data = p.with_name(p.name.replace("_img.png", "_spreadsheet.csv"))

The first substitution is simply appending a string to the stem, so does not need to use str.replace(). Note, however that doing it via the stem means that the substitution will be made whatever the suffix (e.g., for .jpg as well as .png), which is different from the OP. This may or may not be what you want.

Swapping the suffix can be done with .with_suffix() but if substitutions are required in the parent parts, then this approach would become more unwieldy. There is no .with_parent() method, although .with_segments() is introduced in 3.12

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