I have a png image with size 30x30. Then i created an image inside a button using my 30x30 image:

  <Image x:Name="Sample" Source="sample.png" Stretch="None" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" 
         Width="30" Height="30" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

But still the image is displayed big and cropped in the Image control. Why does this happen even they have the same size?


1 Answer 1


The image in sample.png might have different DPI than 96, which WPF uses as the size of its device independent units.

Just don't set Stretch="None" on the Image element in order to get it scaled correctly. The default value of Stretch is Uniform.

<Image Source="sample.png" Width="30" Height="30"/>

You can check the difference between the native size and the (unstretched) rendered size of an image if you load it into a BitmapImage and compare its Width and Height with its PixelWidth and PixelHeight.

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