I'm new to Bazel and got a question regarding Bazel macros. I'm looking for the best way to structure our build.

Is it possible to iterate over a list containing the specifics to the build rules? For example I have a list containing srcs,deps,hdrs,name etc. This list is combined into one larger list containing all modules i want to build creating one component.

If possible can someone give a short example how this would look in code?

Thanks for your time

1 Answer 1


ok i got it:

Content of Build.bazel:


    current_module_name = Module[0][0],
    current_module_deps=Module[3] + CommonDependencies,
 )for Module in SrcLists]

Content of macro.bzl:

def buildmacro(current_module_name,current_module_srcs,current_module_hdrs,current_module_deps):         
        name = current_module_name,     
        deps = current_module_deps, 
        srcs = current_module_srcs,
        hdrs = current_module_hdrs,         

       linkstatic = 1,
       visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Example of the SrcLists-file:

listofcode  = [["nameofrule"]["srcfiles"]["headers"]["deps"]...]
listofcode2 = ...
SrcLists = [listofcode] + [listofcode2] ...

execute bazel build :all

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