I noticed that Google Cloud's Storage Transfer Service only works when the sink bucket is Google Cloud, not S3. However, I would like to move files from Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3, and an alternative I can think of is to spin up an instance on Google Cloud, install the AWS CLI, and then transfer the files that way.

My questions are:

1) Is there a better approach than that?

2) If I did the transfer via the instance, is there a clear way of getting the cost for doing that?


1 Answer 1


Perhaps look at using Amazon's data transfer service?

Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

If you're looking at transferring data outside of Google's Network you'll be subject to egress charges. You can get an estimate of prices here:


  • Thanks, @ScottMcC. I think Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration doesn't operate with Google though. Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 15:38

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