I have a test in Postman where I do a post request and need to parse the json response

The response looks like this:

"aPIProxy" : [ {
    "name" : "SFDC-UpdateLoginTime-v1",
    "revision" : [ {
      "configuration" : {
        "basePath" : "/",
        "steps" : [ ]
      "name" : "1",...some attributes}]

and i need to get something like :

"name" : "SFDC-UpdateLoginTime-v1"
"name" : "1"

for a multiple occurrence json file.

  • 1
    What do you need to do with it once you have the correct format? Store it as a variable or just log it yo the console? Take a look at the _. map() function of lodash to get what you need - lodash.com/docs/#map Commented Jun 25, 2018 at 21:30

3 Answers 3


The below postman script might help you.

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var jsonNamesData = jsonData.aPIProxy;
var parsedData = "";
for(var i=0;i<jsonNamesData.length;i++){
    parsedData = parsedData +"\"name\" : \"" +jsonNamesData[i].name+"\", ";
    console.log("\"name\" : \"" +jsonNamesData[i].name+"\"");
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("parsedNamesResponse", parsedData); // updating parsed data to the environment variable parsedNamesResponse

You could capture multiple 'name' properties using the _.map() function of Lodash, which is a built it module on the native application. I've had to modify what you need slightly as the name key would have been a duplicate.

const result = _.map(pm.response.json().aPIProxy, data => ({
  name: data.name,
  revisionName: data.revision[0].name

pm.environment.set("response", JSON.stringify(result))

This would then store all the values in an environment variable for you to use elsewhere in another request.



You should first parse the response using JSON.parse, then you can iterate on the parsed object like:

var resObj = JSON.parse(pm.response.text())
for(var i=0; i< resObj.length; i++) {
    console.log("name: "+ resObj[i].name);

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