I have a dataframe:

       Name    y1    y2   y3                  
 1     Ben     01    02   03
 2     Jane    04    05   06
 3     Sarah   07    07   06

I am trying to add in a row in my dataframe which provides a total of the rows in each column. My code is:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.insert(df.values, 0, values=[df.sum(axis=0)], axis=0))
df.set_value(0, 0,'total')

This is successful, but also removes my column names like this:

       0       1     2    3                     
 0     Total   12    14   15
 1     Ben     01    02   03
 2     Jane    04    05   06
 3     Sarah   07    07   06

rather than returning this as desired:

       Name    y1    y2   y3                      
 0     Total   12    14   15
 1     Ben     01    02   03
 2     Jane    04    05   06
 3     Sarah   07    07   06

I have tried inserting

Index(['Name'], name=df.index.name)


df = pd.DataFrame(np.insert(df.values, 0, values=[df.sum(axis=0)], Index(['Name'], name=df.index.name) axis=0))

but this just returns the error

TypeError: unhashable type: 'Index'

Where am I going wrong?


5 Answers 5


IIUC, you can do it this way, using select_types, assign, and pd.concat:



    Name  y1  y2  y3
0  Total  12  14  15
1    Ben   1   2   3
2   Jane   4   5   6
3  Sarah   7   7   6

One way to avoid this is to add a new row via .loc, then move it to the top:

df.loc[len(df)+1] = ['Total'] + df.iloc[:, 1:].sum(axis=0).tolist()

df = df.loc[[df.index[-1]] + df.index[:-1].tolist(), :]

#     Name  y1  y2  y3
# 4  Total  12  14  15
# 1    Ben   1   2   3
# 2   Jane   4   5   6
# 3  Sarah   7   7   6

You can use df.reset_index afterwards if this is important to you.


Solution with np.insert should be very fast, but is necessary create index with non numeric columns first:

#create index from `Name` column
df = df.set_index('Name')

#add first value to index
idx = np.insert(df.index, 0, 'Total')
#add columns and index parameters to DataFrame contructor and last reset index
df = pd.DataFrame(np.insert(df.values, 0, df.sum(), axis=0), 
print (df)
    Name  y1  y2  y3
0  Total  12  14  15
1    Ben   1   2   3
2   Jane   4   5   6
3  Sarah   7   7   6
  • This worked perfectly on a much bigger data set too. I also substituted in .mean for .sum which may be useful to others looking to do similar. idx = np.insert(df.index, 0, 'Mean') df = pd.DataFrame(np.insert(df.values, 0, df.mean(), axis=0),
    – Alex
    Commented Mar 21, 2018 at 16:14

You can use pandas.concat to stack two dataframes:

import pandas as pd
df = ...

df_total = pd.DataFrame(df.iloc[:, 1:].sum(), columns=["Total"]).T.reset_index()
df_total.columns = df.columns
df = pd.concat([df_total, df])
#     Name  y1  y2  y3
# 0  Total  12  14  15
# 1    Ben   1   2   3
# 2   Jane   4   5   6
# 3  Sarah   7   7   6

You can try

    Name  y1  y2  y3
0  Total  12  14  15
1    Ben   1   2   3
2   Jane   4   5   6
3  Sarah   7   7   6

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