I want to know how to make Turtle go to an (x, y) coordinate without having it move across the screen. I tried the .goto() and .setposition() methods, but they both make the turtle move across the screen. How do I do this?

  • Have you tried using setx and sety?
    – Frito
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 4:41

3 Answers 3


You can use pen up, then set the turtle invisible, then use goto to move the turtle to your position.

turtle.goto(x, y)

# reshow the turtle
  • Just because i could find it in the manpage by searching for the string: ht = hideturtle(self), and st = showturtle(self). same goes for up = penup and down = pendown.
    – mazunki
    Commented Dec 13, 2022 at 16:12
  • This doesn't change the speed.
    – ggorlen
    Commented Mar 18 at 18:11

You can disable movement animations by setting turtle.speed(0). This will make the Turtle move instantaneously across the screen.

import turtle

turtle.setup(400, 300)  # set up canvas

my_object = turtle.Turtle()  # create object
my_object.speed(0)  # configure object to move without animations
my_object.goto(-150, 0)  # move object


A thin black line originating from the center of the window towards an arrow on the left



.speed(0) still takes time to move the turtle, and hiding/showing the turtle doesn't change the overall delay.

The only way to move the turtle somewhere instantaneously (in a single frame) is to disable tracer, which is turtle's internal update loop, and use .update() to trigger a redraw after repositioning the turtle. You can re-enable tracer if you want after the move.

Here's an example showing 100 gotos performed in a single frame:

from random import randint
from turtle import Screen, Turtle

screen = Screen()
screen.tracer(0)  # disable turtle's update loop
w, h = screen.screensize()
t = Turtle()

for _ in range(100):
    t.goto(randint(-w, w), randint(-h, h))

screen.update()  # draw the frame

screen.tracer(1)  # optionally re-enable the internal update loop
t.goto(randint(-w, w), randint(-h, h))


You can use t.penup() to avoid the lines, and you can use t.hideturtle() if you don't want to see the turtle.

If you're trying to make a real-time game, animation or app where precise control and user input is necessary, see this more involved demo.

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