I have the Json structure below, and i'm trying to parse only the key field inside the object. It's possible to do it without mapping the complete structure?


// Want to return only the Key value
type Object struct {
   Key string `json:"key"`
  • JSON parsing in Golang is available: golang.org/pkg/encoding/json ... Outside of that you are looking at regex or string functions
    – stampede76
    Commented Aug 24, 2017 at 3:30
  • 1
    Yes. You do not need to include the complete structure. Commented Aug 24, 2017 at 3:41

2 Answers 2


There are a few 3rd party json libraries which are very fast at extracting only some values from your json string.


GJSON example:

const json = `your json string`

func main() {
    keys := gjson.Get(json, "Records.#.s3.object.key")
    // would return a slice of all records' keys

    singleKey := gjson.Get(json, "Records.1.s3.object.key")
    // would only return the key from the first record

Object is part of S3, so I created struct as below and I was able to read key

type Root struct {
    Records []Record `json:"Records"`

type Record struct {
    S3 SS3 `json:"s3"`

type SS3 struct {
    Obj Object `json:"object"`

type Object struct {
    Key string `json:"key"`

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