I am using GCS to store images for my Android application. I was searching the Google Cloud Platform console, but haven't found network usage or something that will show me how many people uploaded/downloaded how many files/bytes of data. They tell you how they calculate the price, using network and class a/b operations, but i don't find the place to track this data myself.

1 Answer 1


You have to export these logs to bigquery. You can't find them in GCP interface

Storage logs are generated once a day and contain the storage usage for the previous day. They are typically created before 10:00 am PST.

Usage logs are generated hourly when there is activity to report in the monitored bucket. Usage logs are typically created 15 minutes after the end of the hour.


  • Thanx. That is not user friendly at all.
    – Fossor
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:17

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