I am trying to determine the AWS Region that my heroku database is stored on. All I have is the IP address.

How can i determine the AWS region?


1 Answer 1


Download the JSON file AWS IP ranges: AWS IP Address Ranges

It contains the CIDRs. You may want to write a simple script and check if the IP falls in any of the CIDRs and then retrieve the corresponding region. This is how JSON looks:

  "ip_prefix": "",
  "region": "us-west-1",
  "service": "AMAZON"

Here is Python3 code to find the region, given an IP. Assumes the ip-ranges.json file downloaded from AWS is in the current directory. Will not work in Python 2.7

from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
import json

def find_aws_region(ip):
  ip_json = json.load(open('ip-ranges.json'))
  prefixes = ip_json['prefixes']
  my_ip = ip_address(ip)
  region = 'Unknown'
  for prefix in prefixes:
    if my_ip in ip_network(prefix['ip_prefix']):
      region = prefix['region']
  return region


>>> find_aws_region('')
>>> find_aws_region('')
>>> find_aws_region('')
  • FWIW, if you get ipaddress.AddressValueError:...Did you pass in a bytes (str in Python 2) instead of a unicode object?, then wrap the string argument in unicode() Commented Jan 15, 2020 at 1:00

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