I want to execute onchange event on document's ready().

Original function is onchange=“fucntionname(parms)”

<select name="country" id="selCountries" onchange="region.changed(this, 1, 'selProvinces')">
    <option value="0">{$lang.please_select}{$name_of_region[0]}</option>
    <!-- {foreach from=$country_list item=country} -->
    <option value="{$country.region_id}" {if $consignee.country eq $country.region_id}selected{/if}>{$country.region_name}</option>
    <!-- {/foreach} -->


<script type="text/javascript">
        var onll=document.getElementsById('selProvinces');
        region.changed(onll, 1, 'selProvinces');

Error I am getting

document.getElementsById is not a function at HTMLDocument.

  • 5
    ElementById not ElementsById you used plural where singurlar is needed Commented May 30, 2017 at 11:55
  • it's Element not Elements.So change like this:- document.getElementById('selProvinces'); Commented May 30, 2017 at 11:56

2 Answers 2


As discussed there is the typo in the getElementById - but further to that - since you are using jQuery - you can separate the html and event handler to give cleaner code. It is always better to separate structure and function.

<select name="country" id="selCountries">
    <option value="0">{$lang.please_select}{$name_of_region[0]}</option>
    <!-- {foreach from=$country_list item=country} -->
    <option value="{$country.region_id}" {if $consignee.country eq $country.region_id}selected{/if}>{$country.region_name}</option>
    <!-- {/foreach} -->

        var region=$(this).val();
        region.changed(region, 1, 'selProvinces');

If you already have jQuery with you then simply go with jQuery function. Those are easy to remember:

    $("#selCountries").change();//this will execute whatever onchange already bounded to this element

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