Before when I was editing a view or partial view, I could simply do this and just refresh the browser to see the changes. Now every time I edit a view, VS2015 prompts me with this annoying dialog "Do you want to stop debugging?". When I click No, it allows me to continue but it keeps on popping up each time I do a change. Anybody any idea how to stop this?

2 Answers 2


I found the solution myself. One thing I should have mentioned is that I'm also using DotCover with Continuous Testing switched on. When I switched it off, the problem disappeared.

The thought that it was caused by DotCover didn't occur to me because I used NCrunch before which never caused a problem. This is possibly due to the fact that NCrunch runs tests in memory while DotCover only runs them on Save.


Do you already have verified the VS setting? You can found it in "Tools > Options > Debugging > General > Enable Edit and Continue"

  • Yes, I did. Enable Edit and Continue is on. Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 15:10
  • It was working fine yesterday, but yesterday something caused visual studio to stop responding and I rebooted my machine and since then this annoying popup happens. Configuration is still the same. Never saw this popup happen before, not when updating mvc view cshtml files. Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 15:28

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