I use the vim-fugitive plugin to check git diff. The coloring scheme to highlight the code changes does not compliment my solarized background. I am not able to see the commands to change the coloring scheme of Gdif. Could anyone help me changing the coloring scheme?

1 Answer 1


From :help :diffupdate:

|hl-DiffAdd|    DiffAdd     Added (inserted) lines.  These lines exist in
                            this buffer but not in another.
|hl-DiffChange| DiffChange  Changed lines.
|hl-DiffText|   DiffText    Changed text inside a Changed line.  Vim
                            finds the first character that is different,
                            and the last character that is different
                            (searching from the end of the line).  The
                            text in between is highlighted.  This means
                            that parts in the middle that are still the
                            same are highlighted anyway.  Only "iwhite" of
                            'diffopt' is used here.
|hl-DiffDelete| DiffDelete  Deleted lines.  Also called filler lines,
                            because they don't really exist in this

So, for example, something like

:highlight DiffAdd ctermfg=253 ctermbg=237 guifg=#dadada guibg=#3a3a3a

in your colorscheme should change the colour of the added lines.

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