I'm very confused about how to use git archive.

I have a git repository with folder Foo, Bar and Baz at the top level. I need to export folder Foo in a SVN-ish sort of way for quick test deployment.

I learned that I could use git-archive in an SVN-ish export sort of way.

But here's the thing, The following works fine:

git archive master | tar -x -C ~/destination

it results in Foo, Bar, Baz folders in the destination folder.

However, the following will error out with fatal not a valid object name:

git archive master/foo | tar -x -C ~/destination

The Documentation

Looking as the synopsis for the git archive program I see that it can take a <tree-ish> [path] as a parameter (synopsis summarized to relevant parts):

git archive <tree-ish> [path...]

If master/foo is not tree-ish, then what is?

  • 2
    master:foo is tree-ish, but you better use master foo as i <tree-ish> <path>. Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 19:13
  • 1
    I had interpreted <tree-ish> as and adjective of [path]. That's where I went wrong. And all the examples I saw only used the <tree-ish> part of the command, so I had wrongly assumed they were using a '<tree-ish> path. Oh semantics :)
    – david
    Commented Oct 28, 2010 at 19:24
  • 2
    Related: What are commit-ish and tree-ish in Git?.
    – user456814
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 21:51
  • 6
    I have a problem with this question because the title asks about what tree-ish is in git but then it starts and seems to be mainly about some command. Furthermore, the accepted answer doesn't seem to address what the term tree-ish means exactly. Either the title of the question must change or the question must change. I suggest that the title is better adapted to what the question really cases about and what the accepted answer was. Or maybe changing the accepted answer to what the question title really is. Or the answer should address the question title. Commented Jun 13, 2014 at 21:14
  • @CharlieParker apparently the man pages for git archive command no longer refer to tree-ish, but when I asked this question they did. And regarding the accepted answer; at the time no one else bothered to answer the question. It was over two years later that another answer had was even posted.
    – david
    Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 23:15

6 Answers 6


The Short Answer (TL;DR)

"Tree-ish" is a term that refers to any identifier (as specified in the Git revisions documentation) that ultimately leads to a (sub)directory tree (Git refers to directories as "trees" and "tree objects").

In the original poster's case, foo is a directory that he wants to specify. The correct way to specify a (sub)directory in Git is to use this "tree-ish" syntax (item #15 from the Git revisions documentation):

<rev>:<path>, e.g. HEAD:README, :README, master:./README

A suffix : followed by a path names the blob or tree at the given path in the tree-ish object named by the part before the colon.

So, in other words, master:foo is the correct syntax, not master/foo.

Other "Tree-ish" (Plus Commit-ish)

Here's a complete list of commit-ish and tree-ish identifiers (from the Git revisions documentation, thanks to LopSae for pointing it out):

|    Commit-ish/Tree-ish    |                Examples
|  1. <sha1>                | dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735
|  2. <describeOutput>      | v1.7.4.2-679-g3bee7fb
|  3. <refname>             | master, heads/master, refs/heads/master
|  4. <refname>@{<date>}    | master@{yesterday}, HEAD@{5 minutes ago}
|  5. <refname>@{<n>}       | master@{1}
|  6. @{<n>}                | @{1}
|  7. @{-<n>}               | @{-1}
|  8. <refname>@{upstream}  | master@{upstream}, @{u}
|  9. <rev>^                | HEAD^, v1.5.1^0
| 10. <rev>~<n>             | master~3
| 11. <rev>^{<type>}        | v0.99.8^{commit}
| 12. <rev>^{}              | v0.99.8^{}
| 13. <rev>^{/<text>}       | HEAD^{/fix nasty bug}
| 14. :/<text>              | :/fix nasty bug
|       Tree-ish only       |                Examples
| 15. <rev>:<path>          | HEAD:README, :README, master:./README
|         Tree-ish?         |                Examples
| 16. :<n>:<path>           | :0:README, :README

Identifiers #1-14 are all "commit-ish", because they all lead to commits, but because commits also point to directory trees, they all ultimately lead to (sub)directory tree objects, and can therefore also be used as "tree-ish".

#15 can also be used as tree-ish when it refers to a (sub)directory, but it can also be used to identify specific files. When it refers to files, I'm not sure if it's still considered "tree-ish", or if acts more like "blob-ish" (Git refers to files as "blobs").

The Long Answer

At its lowest levels, Git keeps track of source code using four fundamental objects:

  1. Annotated tags, which point to commits.
  2. Commits, which point to the root directory tree of your project.
  3. Trees, which are directories and subdirectories.
  4. Blobs, which are files.

Each of these objects has its own sha1 hash ID, since Linus Torvalds designed Git like an content- addressable filesystem, i.e. files can be retrieved based on their content (sha1 IDs are generated from file content). The Pro Git book gives this example diagram:

Figure 9-3 from Pro Git book

Many Git commands can accept special identifiers for commits and (sub)directory trees:

  • "Commit-ish" are identifiers that ultimately lead to a commit object. For example,

    tag -> commit

  • "Tree-ish" are identifiers that ultimately lead to tree (i.e. directory) objects.

    tag -> commit -> project-root-directory

Because commit objects always point to a directory tree object (the root directory of your project), any identifier that is "commit-ish" is, by definition, also "tree-ish". In other words, any identifier that leads to a commit object can also be used to lead to a (sub)directory tree object.

But since directory tree objects never point to commits in Git's versioning system, not every identifier that points to a (sub)directory tree can also be used to point to a commit. In other words, the set of "commit-ish" identifiers is a strict subset of the set of "tree-ish" identifiers.

As explained in the documentation (thanks to Trebor for helping me find it):


Indicates a tree object name.


Indicates a commit object name.


Indicates a tree, commit or tag object name. A command that takes a <tree-ish> argument ultimately wants to operate on a <tree> object but automatically dereferences <commit> and <tag> objects that point at a <tree>.


Indicates a commit or tag object name. A command that takes a <commit-ish> argument ultimately wants to operate on a <commit> object but automatically dereferences <tag> objects that point at a <commit>.

The set of tree-ish identifiers that cannot be used as commit-ish are

  1. <rev>:<path>, which leads directly to directory trees, not commit objects. For example, HEAD:subdirectory.

  2. Sha1 identifiers of directory tree objects.

  • What about entry 16 on your table? Does it mean you're not sure if it's a tree-ish or not? The 0 refers to the merge state, and this concept applies only to blobs, since the index doesn't even contain directories. See: stackoverflow.com/a/25806452/895245 . So the question then comes down to: are all blob-ishes also tree-ishes? As far as I can tell yes: all man pages that use <tree-ish> accept both, and man gitrevisions defines: trees ("directories of files"). Commented Oct 18, 2014 at 7:29
  • Note that git-archive says it takes a <tree-ish> but it disallows a <sha1>. So I guess it should instead ask for a <tree-ish-ish>. stackoverflow.com/a/12073669/680464
    – juanitogan
    Commented Nov 14, 2014 at 17:15
  • However I wonder about what happens when I use <rev>: (without any path?. It works as tried - but I cannot find relevant section in documentation. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 15:18

A tree-ish is a way of naming a specific tree which can be one of the following:

  • References like:
    • HEAD
    • Tags
    • Branch names
    • Branch names with remotes, like origin/somebranch
  • Hash
  • Short hashes

On top of that, any of the above can be appended with ^, ~. References can also use the @{} notation for some additional features:

  • HEAD^ or HEAD^1 will be resolved to the first parent of HEAD.
  • HEAD^2 will resolve to the second parent
  • HEAD^3 will resolve to the third parent and so on, which is more rare and product of merges with the octopus strategy.
  • HEAD~ or HEAD~1 will resolve to the first parent of head
  • HEAD~2 will resolve to the first parent of the first parent of HEAD. This would be the same as HEAD^^
  • HEAD@{0} will resolve to the current HEAD
  • HEAD@{1} will resolve to the previous head. This can only be used by references since it makes use of the reference log. In the case of HEAD every commit, merge, checkout will change the value of HEAD and thus add it to the log. git reflog HEAD will display the reference log where you can see all the movements of HEAD and properly what @{1} and so on will resolve to.

Most of the above can be further combined as long as it makes sense in your repository, for example: HEAD@{2}~3, somebranch^2~4, c00e66e~4^2, anotherbranch~^~^~^.

So any of the described above, and its combinations, is what is meant in the documentation as a tree-ish, which is just a way to say what tree (or revision) is the one that should be used for most of git commands.

More info in Revision Selection in the Git book.

  • 2
    This answer explains revisions (commit-ishes) in general and misses the crucial case: master:path/to/directory, which is a tree-ish but not a commit-ish. Cupcake's makes that clearer. Commented Oct 18, 2014 at 7:12

You probably want

git archive master foo | tar -x -C ~/destination

The expression master/foo does not make sense: master is a branch name and foo is a directory name, as I presume.

Edit: (Removed broken link. See comments.)

  • The word "tree" is no-longer found on your "Git Treeishes" link. FYI
    – Robert
    Commented Aug 31, 2012 at 4:29
  • Treeish generally refers to the revision tree, not to a directory layout. Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 9:54
  • 6
    @JürgenStrobel: That's not true. It referred to neither of the two – in past tense, because the term isn't used any more in the current version of the documentation. (That's also why the link is broken.) Formerly, a treeish referred to something that could be resolved to a tree object in git's object store. This inlcuded any commit specification, since each commit refers to a single tree object. The tree object contains information about the directory tree of this commit – see the section on git objects in "Pro Git" for details. Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 20:58

For definitions of <tree-ish> and <commit-ish> see the git(1) man page. You'll have to search for the terms. In general <tree-ish> means a reference to a git tree object, but if you pass a type of object that references a tree (such as a commit or branch), git will automatically use the referenced tree.

  • 1
    And gitrevisions(7). Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 18:33

I am a newbie to source control and git. This is what I know. A tree is the structure of files in a repository. Its similar to a directory in a file system.See - Which git tool generated this tree view?

Tree-ish means like a tree. It references a part or commit of a tree. You can reference a commit using any one of these: full or part of the SHA-1 hash of a commit, HEAD pointer, branch reference, tag reference. Another method uses any of the mentioned methods along with ancestors or parents of a commit. Ancestors example: enter image description here


From Git Glossary tree-ish is "A tree object or an object that can be recursively dereferenced to a tree object." commit, HEAD and tag are examples of tree-ish objects.

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