I have an ArrayList which stores 0...4 Dates.

The amount of Dates in the list depends on a Business logic.

How can I get the earliest date of this list? Of course I can build iterative loops to finally retrieve the earliest date. But is there a 'cleaner'/ quicker way of doing this, especially when considering that this list can grow on a later perspective?

  • @AndyTurner , you should post this comment as an answer. Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 12:17

3 Answers 3


java.util.Date implements Comparable<Date>, so you can simply use:

Date minDate = Collections.min(listOfDates);

This relies on there being at least one element in the list. If the list might be empty (amongst many other approaches):

Optional<Date> minDate = listOfDates.stream().min(Comparator.naturalOrder());


Depending on your application you can think about using a SortedSet (like TreeSet). This allows you to change the collection and always receive the lowest element easily.

Adding elements to the collection is more expensive, though.


If you dont mind to change the insertion order then sort the list and get the elemeent at index 0

  • 2
    Sorting the list is an O(n log n) operation. You can find the minimum element in O(n) simply by iterating the list. Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 12:18

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