I needed to do away with changes that I made to the working directory and go back and start from the last commit, so I did git reset --hard

Now when I do git commit and git status I get this string in red saying "HEAD detached from: and some 7 char number. I did few commits since then but not sure about this red message.

Did I muck it up and what am I suppose to do to "fix" it? or it is not broken? Thanks


3 Answers 3


Create a branch, then merge it/rebase it to the original branch (let's suppose master). It should solve the problem.

$ git checkout -b temp_branch
$ git rebase master
$ git checkout master
$ git merge temp_branch

Apparently you didn't just reset the workspace but moved the HEAD to another commit.


Nothing is really broken, you're just on a detached HEAD. Simply give it a name, like any other branch, and continue working on it:

$ git checkout -b my_new_branch
  • how to go back to master? Commented Jun 10, 2020 at 21:33
  • @javadba you can use checkout: git checkout master.
    – Mureinik
    Commented Jun 11, 2020 at 6:04
  • figured that out. I had a couple of times over the years that I did not know what to do here: but now all is clear . Commented Jun 11, 2020 at 6:27

You can find an answer here: GIT restore last detached HEAD

Also, the Pluralsight video "How Git Works" explains how this happens and what to do about it.

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