I just want to get the last_insert_id() using Ruby's Sequel:

insertret = @con.run("INSERT INTO `wv_persons` ( `id` ) VALUES ( NULL )")
pp insertret.inspect # returns "nil", expected that..
last_insert_id = @con.run("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS last_id;")
pp last_insert_id.inspect # returns "nil", should be an ID

The SELECT query should return the last_id but .run does not return it. What method should I use instead?

Solution: (thanks to Josh Lindsey)

last_insert_id = @con[:wv_persons].insert({})
last_insert_id = last_insert_id.to_s
puts "New person ["+ last_insert_id  +"]"

3 Answers 3


The Dataset#insert method should return the last insert id:


Will insert the default values and return the id.

Database#run will always return nil.


Actually, Database#insert is not guaranteed to return the id of the last inserted record.

From the documentation: "...Inserts values into the associated table. The returned value is generally the value of the primary key for the inserted row, but that is adapter dependent."


The sequel gem is supposed to return the id of newly inserted records but as others said:

  • the returned value is adapter dependent

also i'd like to add...

  • isn't sure what to return when faced with a composite primary key

You can get around this by telling sequel exactly what should be returned using the #returning method.

For instance:

DB[:posts].returning(:id).insert(category_id: 5, id: 1, ...)

will return [{id: 1}]


DB[:posts].returning(:id, :category_id).insert(category_id: 5, id: 1, ...)

will return [{id: 1, category_id: 5}]

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