Fiddler almost not work for me. Seems the problem only with https. For example to open https google.com I need to wait around 40 seconds


immediately after request

after ~40 seconds

Fiddler log:

18:02:46:3326 Fiddler Running...
18:02:46:3922 Windows 8+ AppContainer isolation feature detected.
18:03:09:5427 Assembly 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler2\CertMaker.dll' was not found. Using default Certificate Generator.
18:03:09:5467 /Fiddler.CertMaker> Using Fiddler.DefaultCertificateProvider+CertEnrollEngine for certificate generation; UseWildcards=False.
18:03:11:3745 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3855 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3895 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3915 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3945 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:20:2192 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6091.
18:03:20:3110 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6134.
18:03:20:3120 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6130.
18:03:28:8160 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6095.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6097.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6099.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6101.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6163.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6141.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6167.
18:04:10:2230 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6176.
18:04:10:2230 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6179.

Many times in chrome I see: Waiting for proxy tunnel...and site shows This webpage is not available (ERR_TIMED_OUT)

In EDGE I even can't open http site for all sub requests I see blue up arrow which means fiddler trying to load it (after ~40 seconds I get loaded all that requests)

I tried to reset Internet Properties-> Advanced tab-> Restore advanced settings - it doesn't help me. Also I tried to restarted my system, also I restarted fiddler after any changes I made.

Fiddler settings: Certificates generated by CertEnroll engine. I tried to change it to MakeCert. Few times I reset All certificates, also manually removes certificates. Browsers: Chrome/Firefox

Gateway info in fiddler: No upstream gateway proxy is configured.

Recently I made clear installation of Windows 10. I do not have any Antivirus.

Windows 10 Pro x64 Fiddler v4.6.2.0

I need fiddler for my work. Please help me


This is can be issue with Protocols. Currently in fiddler I have next protocols:

fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to www.bing.com (for #4) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. < An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host 


fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to www.google.com.ua (for #23) failed. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm
  • docs.telerik.com/fiddler/configure-fiddler/tasks/…
    – N..
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 18:27
  • Thank you! But I installed fiddler many times on diff machines and usually it works fine for me, but not now.
    – GDocal
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 18:46
  • You need to run on compatible mode for Windows 8
    – N..
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 18:50
  • Thanks, I just tried to do this. It didn't help me to resolve my issue.
    – GDocal
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 19:20
  • I think that certificate installation problem. Here is link for Certificate installation docs.telerik.com/fiddler/Configure-Fiddler/Tasks/…
    – N..
    Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 19:35

2 Answers 2


As I thought the issue was with protocols enabled in Internet Options in Windows and Fiddler protocols.

I ticked Use SSL 3.0 and use TSL 1.0 in Interent properties (all other should be unticked) in Fiddler protocols I typed: ;ssl3;tls1.0

And after this changes everything works perfectly


Yes, Use SSL 3.0 and use TSL 1.0 in Internet properties for it to work. Previously I also did the same mistake but now working fine. I also checked on fiddler for the same.

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