I am trying to send a GET request through postman using file URI scheme. An example:


The request works properly in any browser, but postman is failing with message:

Could not get any response

This seems to be like an error connecting to file:///absolute/path/to/file.txt

Is there any way to make postman work with file URIs?

3 Answers 3


Postman does not support file URIs, because the Chrome App platform does not allow direct access to files.

It should be easy to start a small HTTP server yourself though.. if you are on Mac/Linux, you can serve files in a directory using Python:

$ cd /path/to/directory/
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234

You can then visit


which will serve up the file.


Good answer.

I am not acquainted with SimpleHTTPServer, so I used live-server instead.

  1. I followed the instructions at 2. Install and Run a Local Web Server to install live-server.

  2. Then:

    cd /path/to/(myJSONfile.json)
    live-server <myJSONfile.json>

      and the JSON file was opened in my default web browser.

  1. Finally, in Postman I made a normal GET request, but on the address

It all worked just as intended.


In addition to czardoz's answer, for Python 3, SimpleHttpServer has been replaced by http.server. So, to serve the files using Python 3.x:

$ cd/path-to-directory/
$ python -m http.server 1234

Then, browse the file using:


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