I have a path:

myPath = "C:\Users\myFile.txt"

I would like to remove the end path so that the string only contains:


So far I am using split, but it just gives me a list, and im stuck at this point.

myPath = myPath.split(os.sep)

4 Answers 4


You should not manipulate paths directly, there is os.path module for that.

>>> import os.path
>>> print os.path.dirname("C:\Users\myFile.txt")
>>> print os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname("C:\Users\myFile.txt"))

Like this.

  • 10
    But this works only if the path does not end with an "/"
    – Awsed
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 13:07
  • 3
    @Awsed To ensure this works with filepaths that end with a slash, we can use os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath("a/b/c/")). Commented Apr 11, 2021 at 21:20

You can also use os.path.split, like this

>>> import os
>>> os.path.split('product/bin/client')
('product/bin', 'client')

It splits the path into two parts and returns them in a tuple. You can assign the values in variables and then use them, like this

>>> head, tail = os.path.split('product/bin/client')
>>> head
>>> tail

The current way to do this (Python > 3.4) is to use the standard library's pathlib module.

>>> import pathlib
>>> path = pathlib.Path(r"C:\Users\myFile.txt")
>>> path.parent
WindowsPath('C:/Users')   #if using a Windows OS

>>> print(path.parent)

This has the additional benefit of being cross platform as pathlib will make a path object suited for the current operating system (I am using Windows 10)

Other useful attributes/methods are:

>> "myFile.txt"
>> "myFile"
>> ("C:\\", "Users", "myFile.txt")
>> "myFile.csv"
>> #iterates over all files/directories in path location
>> #tells you if path is file or directory

While it is true that you should not maybe manipulate paths directly, and should use os.path module, sometimes, you may have your path as a string (for example, if your path was inside a text document, xml, etc.).

In such a situation, it might be safe and maybe even convenient to use string operations (as I found in my use case).

An example (assuming you have read your path from a text file, xml, etc. to a variable called path):

directory = "/".join(list(path.split('/')[0:-1])) 

The path is split with " / " as a seperator, sliced to remove the last item in the list, in OPs case "myFile.txt", and joined back with " / " as a seperator.

This will give the path with the file name removed.

OP had the path

myPath = "C:\Users\myFile.txt"

He will have


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