I have hundreds of xml files that have different types of IDs e.g. submitter, requester, agent etc. I want to do a find/replace just the value for the Requester ID. XML is displayed thus:




2 Answers 2





  • Thanks very much for your help.
    – ratsstack
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 2:18
  • I expanded what you had a bit further to retain format in the XML: <Requester>\n\t\t<ID>newID</ID>\n\t</Requester>
    – ratsstack
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 2:19

This sounds like a task for xpath, not for regex or find-replace. Since you are navigating an xml to find a particular tag and replace it's text value, not finding a text pattern. an xpath code like


should get you all instances of Requester/ID in your XML... you'll just need to wrap it in a script (of your prefered language) to iterate over the documents and replace the values and you'll be done in no time.

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