I have a script where I am attempting to parse a JSON and send to an Esri file geodatabase using NumPy. I am receving an error for my latitude and longitude fields which should be floats stating that the data type is not understood.

import jsonpickle
import arcpy
import json
import numpy
import requests

X = 471316.3835861763
Y=  5000448.782036674

fc = "C:\MYLATesting.gdb\MYLA311"
if arcpy.Exists(fc):

f = open('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\myla311.json', 'r')

data = jsonpickle.encode( jsonpickle.decode(f.read()) )

url = "myUrl.com"
headers = {'Content-type': 'text/plain', 'Accept': '/'}

r = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)

decoded = json.loads(r.text)

# print json.dumps(decoded, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

# vehicles = []
# for Response, ServiceRequest in decoded.iteritems():
#         vehicles.append(tuple(item[k] for k in ndtype.names))
#          print response, ServiceRequest

ndtype = numpy.dtype([
   ('status', 'S12'),
   (X, numpy.float64),
   (Y,  numpy.float64)


vehicles = []
for item in decoded['status']:
   vehicles.append(tuple(decoded(X(Y[k] for k in ndtype.names))))

narr = numpy.array([vehicles],  ndtype)
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(narr, fc,[X, Y] , sr)

Decoded JSON:

    "Response": {
        "ListOfServiceRequest": {
            "ServiceRequest": [
                    "ActionTaken": "", 
                    "AddressVerified": "Y", 
                    "Anonymous": "N", 
                    "AssignTo": "North Central - 104 - IED", 
                    "Assignee": "Siebel Administrator", 
                    "CreatedByUserLogin": "PRASAD89", 
                    "CreatedDate": "12/31/2014 13:49:23", 
                    "CustomerAccessNumber": "", 
                    "Email": "[email protected]", 
                    "FirstName": "Prasad", 
                    "HomePhone": "3123123123", 
                    "IntegrationId": "1420033765921", 
                    "LADWPAccountNo": "", 
                    "Language": "English", 
                    "LastName": "Pp", 
                    "Latitude": "34.064937", 
                    "ListOfAuditTrailItem2": {}, 
                    "ListOfChildServiceRequest": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BarricadeRemoval": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BeesOrBeehive": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BillingCsscAdjustment": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BillingEccAdjustment": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BillingRsscAdjustment": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BillingRsscExemption": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BrushItemsPickup": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BulkyItem": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311BusPadLanding": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Containers": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311CurbRepair": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311DeadAnimalRemoval": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311DocumentLog": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311ElectronicWaste": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Flooding": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311GeneralStreetInspection": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311GenericBc": {
                        "La311GenericBc": [
                                "ATTRIB_08": "", 
                                "ListOfLa311GenericbcAuditTrail": {}, 
                                "NAME": "41572025-3803-49c4-8561-6e7ef41775df", 
                                "PAR_ROW_ID": "1-N607", 
                                "ROW_ID": "1-N60A", 
                                "TYPE": "GIS"
                                "ATTRIB_08": "", 
                                "ListOfLa311GenericbcAuditTrail": {}, 
                                "NAME": "a5b5b2b9-d2e7-400a-bf75-1138ff013caa", 
                                "PAR_ROW_ID": "1-N607", 
                                "ROW_ID": "1-N609", 
                                "TYPE": "Homeless Encampment"
                                "ATTRIB_08": "", 
                                "ListOfLa311GenericbcAuditTrail": {}, 
                                "NAME": "010420150405", 
                                "PAR_ROW_ID": "1-N607", 
                                "ROW_ID": "1-RN2D", 
                                "TYPE": "Subscription"
                    "ListOfLa311GisLayer": {
                        "La311GisLayer": [
                                "A_Call_No": "", 
                                "Area": "", 
                                "BOSRadioHolderName": "", 
                                "CommunityPlanningArea": "Westlake", 
                                "Day": "", 
                                "DirectionSuffix": "", 
                                "DistrictAbbr": "", 
                                "DistrictName": "Central", 
                                "DistrictNumber": "104", 
                                "DistrictOffice": "North Central", 
                                "Fraction": "", 
                                "LastUpdatedBy": "", 
                                "Name": "41572025-3803-49c4-8561-6e7ef41775df", 
                                "R_Call_No": "", 
                                "SectionId": "5279800", 
                                "ShortDay": "", 
                                "StreetFrom": "BOYLSTON ST", 
                                "StreetLightId": "", 
                                "StreetLightStatus": "", 
                                "StreetTo": "FIRMIN ST", 
                                "Type": "GIS", 
                                "Y_Call_No": ""
                    "ListOfLa311GraffitiRemoval": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311GuardWarningRailMaintenance": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311GutterRepair": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311HomelessEncampment": {
                        "La311HomelessEncampment": [
                                "ApprovedBy": "", 
                                "AssignedTo": "", 
                                "CompletedBy": "", 
                                "Contact": "", 
                                "ContactDate": "", 
                                "Crew": "", 
                                "DateCompleted": "12/31/2014 00:00:00", 
                                "InspectedBy": "", 
                                "InspectionDate": "", 
                                "LastUpdatedBy": "", 
                                "Location": "Alley", 
                                "Name": "a5b5b2b9-d2e7-400a-bf75-1138ff013caa", 
                                "OptionalTrackingCode": "", 
                                "Type": "Homeless Encampment"
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalAutoRepair": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalConstruction": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalConstructionFence": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalDischargeOfWater": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalDumpingInProgress": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalDumpingPickup": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalExcavation": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalSignRemoval": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311IllegalVending": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311InformationOnly": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311LandMudSlide": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311LeafBlowerViolation": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311ManualPickup": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311MedianIslandMaintenance": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311MetalHouseholdAppliancesPickup": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311MoveInMoveOut": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311MultipleStreetlightIssue": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311NewsRackViolation": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Obstructions": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Other": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311OvergrownVegetationPlants": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311PalmFrondsDown": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Pothole": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311Resurfacing": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingBif": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingCssc": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingEcc": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingInquiry": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingLifeline": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingRssc": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SanitationBillingSrf": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311ServiceNotComplete": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311ServiceRequestNotes": {
                        "La311ServiceRequestNotes": [
                                "Comment": "", 
                                "CommentType": "External", 
                                "CreatedByUser": "PRASAD89", 
                                "CreatedDate": "12/31/2014 13:49:23", 
                                "Date1": "", 
                                "Date2": "", 
                                "Date3": "", 
                                "FeedbackSRType": "", 
                                "IntegrationId": "1420033765921", 
                                "IsSrNoAvailable": "N", 
                                "ListOfLa311SrNotesAuditTrail": {}, 
                                "Notification": "N", 
                                "Text1": ""
                    "ListOfLa311SidewalkRepair": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SingleStreetlightIssue": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SrPhotoId": {
                        "La311SrPhotoId": []
                    "ListOfLa311StreetSweeping": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311StreetTreeInspection": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311StreetTreeViolations": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311SubscribeDuplicateSr": {
                        "La311SubscribeDuplicateSr": [
                                "Activeflag": "Y", 
                                "EmailId": "[email protected]", 
                                "LastUpdatedBy": "", 
                                "Name": "010420150405", 
                                "Type": "Subscription"
                    "ListOfLa311TablesAndChairsObstructing": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311TreeEmergency": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311TreeObstruction": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311TreePermits": {}, 
                    "ListOfLa311WeedAbatementForPrivateParcels": {}, 
                    "LoginUser": "", 
                    "Longitude": "-118.252968", 
                    "MobilOS": "iOS", 
                    "NewContactEmail": "", 
                    "NewContactFirstName": "", 
                    "NewContactLastName": "", 
                    "NewContactPhone": "", 
                    "Owner": "BSS", 
                    "ParentSRLinkDate": "", 
                    "ParentSRLinkUser": "", 
                    "ParentSRNumber": "", 
                    "ParentSRStatus": "", 
                    "ParentSRType": "", 
                    "Priority": "Normal", 
                    "ReasonCode": "", 
                    "RescheduleCounter": "", 
                    "ResolutionCode": "", 
                    "SRAddress": "1200 W TEMPLE ST, 90026", 
                    "SRAddressName": "", 
                    "SRAreaPlanningCommission": "Central APC", 
                    "SRAreaPlanningCommissionId": "4", 
                    "SRCity": "", 
                    "SRCommunityPoliceStation": "", 
                    "SRCommunityPoliceStationAPREC": "RAMPART", 
                    "SRCommunityPoliceStationPREC": "2", 
                    "SRCouncilDistrictMember": "Gilbert Cedillo", 
                    "SRCouncilDistrictNo": "1", 
                    "SRCrossStreet": "", 
                    "SRDirection": "W", 
                    "SRHouseNumber": "", 
                    "SRNeighborhoodCouncilId": "44", 
                    "SRNeighborhoodCouncilName": "GREATER ECHO PARK ELYSIAN NC", 
                    "SRNumber": "1-1080871", 
                    "SRStreetName": "TEMPLE", 
                    "SRSuffix": "ST", 
                    "SRTBColumn": "E", 
                    "SRTBMapGridPage": "634", 
                    "SRTBRow": "2", 
                    "SRType": "Homeless Encampment", 
                    "SRUnitNumber": "", 
                    "SRXCoordinate": "6485064", 
                    "SRYCoordinate": "1846114", 
                    "ServiceDate": "12/31/2014 00:00:00", 
                    "Source": "311", 
                    "Status": "Open", 
                    "UpdatedByUserLogin": "PRASAD89", 
                    "UpdatedDate": "12/31/2014 13:49:23", 
                    "Zipcode": "90026"
        "NumOutputObjects": "1"
    "status": {
        "cause": "", 
        "code": 311, 
        "message": "Service Request Successfully Queried."

1 Answer 1


Do you mean to name your fields 'X' and 'Y':

ndtype = numpy.dtype([
('status', 'S12'),
('X', numpy.float64),
('Y',  numpy.float64)

At the moment you are refering to actual float objects X and Y here, which isn't the right syntax for declaring a dtype. The above statement declares it using a list of tuples where each tuple is a string name followed by a data type (or string that can be resolved into a data type).

  • Yes, I did not catch that, however that posts another problem, If I would like to include my defined X and Y fields how would that be handled in the ndtype? These are in fact my X and Y fields. Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 1:10
  • It might help to give an example of your decoded JSON here - it's this it seems you need to parse into values in your array with dtype ndtype we've just defined.
    – xnx
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 1:16
  • My keys are apparently status and response while my values are those above in the decoded JSON, yet I cannot use a simple key/value function to return i.e. response, latitude Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 1:25
  • So... which of the fields in your decoded JSON dictionary do you want to end up in 'status', 'X', and 'Y' in your NumPy structured array?
    – xnx
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 1:31
  • Yes, while giving a latitude and longitude to the X and Y fields. Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 3:03

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