I have large .c and .h files from which i have to select only preprocessors directives satisfying these conditions as below

#if(VALUE==5) ||(VALUE==6)

Rest of preprocessors directives should remain untouched.I have already looked into unifdef and sunifdef they will allow me to identify #if and #ifdef but i want to chose selectively not all #if, #ifdefs. Is there a utility thats allows me to give, e.g., VALUE==5 and chose only those?

Basically I need preprocessor directives selection based on my input value.

  • what do you want to do? remove this directives? get the code between them? just print the lines containing them? get the line numbers? Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 15:54
  • Basically i need to identify them and even get the lines of code between them.
    – Archana
    Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 16:07
  • This answer stackoverflow.com/a/4092448/700170 may solve your problem Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 20:44

1 Answer 1


Try Running the Script, it will print the lines of code and code present inside the #if block. This only scans the file statically. You can give it a try.

# ./run.sh filename "String to search in if"
# example ./run.sh test.h "#if VALUE"

# Get the line number of Searching string locations
# store it in a file
awk "/$2/{ print NR }" $1 > temp_if

# to store total lines present inside the if contruct

# read one line at a time, that is go through one occurance of string at a time
while read matchLineNum
    printf "Match Found in line number $matchLineNum\n"
    #search for first occurance of #elif from the matched string.
    elifLineNum=$(tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | awk "/#elif/{ print NR;exit }")
    if [ "$elifLineNum" == "" ]
        # if not found set it to some high value
        elifLineNum=$(wc -c $1)
    elseLineNum=$(tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | awk "/#else/{ print NR;exit }")
    if [ "$elseLineNum" == "" ]
        elseLineNum=$(wc -c $1)
    endifLineNum=$(tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | awk "/#endif/{ print NR;exit }")

    # check if #endif / #elif / #else occurs first
    if [ $endifLineNum -lt $elseLineNum -a $endifLineNum -lt $elifLineNum ]
        # store the code count
        totalLinesCount=$(expr $totalLinesCount + $(expr $endifLineNum - 1))
        # store the code
        tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | head -n $(expr $endifLineNum - 1) >> out

    elif [ $elseLineNum -lt $endifLineNum -a $elseLineNum -lt $elifLineNum ]
        totalLinesCount=$(expr $totalLinesCount + $(expr $elseLineNum - 1))
        tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | head -n $(expr $elseLineNum - 1) >> out

    elif [ $elifLineNum -lt $elseLineNum -a $elifLineNum -lt $endifLineNum ]
        totalLinesCount=$(expr $totalLinesCount + $(expr $elifLineNum - 1))
        tail -n +$(expr $matchLineNum + 1) $1 | head -n $(expr $elifLineNum - 1) >> out

        printf "\n Error \n"
done < temp_if
printf "\nTotal number of lines present inside the given condition is $totalLinesCount\n"
rm -f temp_if
printf '\nFinal Extracted Out\n'
cat out
rm -f out
  • /usr/bin/run.sh: line 4: $'\r': command not found /usr/bin/run.sh: line 7: $'\r': command not found /usr/bin/run.sh: run.sh: line 34: syntax error near unexpected token elif' /usr/bin/run.sh: run.sh: line 34: elif [ $elseLineNum -lt $endifLineNum -a 'elseLineNum -lt $elifLineNum ]. Can you please help me with it.. I am in windows environment using cygwin to run this script
    – Archana
    Commented Feb 5, 2015 at 12:49
  • 1
    use dos2unix -ascii run.sh test.h, to convert the windows format to unix format, actually windows and unix have a different way of representing newline character in file. After converting the files run the script Commented Feb 6, 2015 at 7:37
  • I used the command you suggested and i can also confirm something is changing by seeing the last modified date of file after execution of that command. But still i am getting same error.. Any idea what could be the reason?
    – Archana
    Commented Feb 6, 2015 at 8:27
  • Thanks for all help..I have written my own utility to do this since none of the existing solutions helped me.
    – Archana
    Commented Feb 10, 2015 at 11:47

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