We'd like to add some boilerplate information to file written to minions via Salt; basically, notice that the file is managed by Salt, and the state that generates it.

I can't find the state information. It doesn't appear to be in opts. salt-call state.sls foo provides what I'm looking for, but state.sls doesn't appear callable from a Jinja template.

Am I missing it somewhere? Or is this not possible without, say, writing a Jinja extension that digs around in Salt's sandbox?

  • I have the same needs, basically. Did you manage to find a solution?
    – pepoluan
    Commented Jun 26, 2015 at 7:44

1 Answer 1


Have you checked if salt.renderers.jinja#debugging provides what you need?

  • 2
    #debugging tag no longer exists at link. Have a better reference? Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 18:31

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