In a unix environment, often one can just run ps and see the exact command as it was invoked, including switches and any parameter values that it may have received.

I have a Windows executable that it would be valuable for debugging purposes if I could see just what values were passed in, after it is already running. Can this be done, either with the utilities already present in a Windows default install, or something that I could download?

  • Note that, unlike UNIX, Windows properly respects the privacy of the user; that is, only administrators and the user who launched a particular process get to see the command line. Commented Sep 9, 2014 at 22:45

4 Answers 4


On Windows 7 and newer (possibly Vista, but I don't have an install to check), the built-in Task Manager can do this. Go to the Processes tab, then View->Select Columns->Command Line.


Sysinternals has a handy tool, process explorer. One of the column you can show for each process is the commandline.

Sysinternals is provided free from microsoft



You can see this from Windows Task Manager, just a few clicks.

  1. Right click on taskbar or Ctrl-Alt-Del to open task manager.
  2. From the menu View > Select columns > Check Command Line

you can check command line using Task Manager :

enter image description here

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